Back End For E-commerce Site Selling Vinyl Store
Scrum Manager
This document describes the latest schema of the database for the vinyl records shop Font Hill Records. The database consists of several tables representing different entities, including customers, vinyl records, reviews, and transactions.
- id: Integer, primary key.
- country: Varchar, country name (default is 'United Kingdom').
- region: Varchar, unique region within the country.
- created_at: Timestamp, date and time when the location was added (default is now).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- username: Varchar, the customer's username (unique).
- password: Varchar, the customer's password.
- email: Varchar, the customer's email address (unique).
- phone_number: Varchar, contact number for the customer.
- payment_details: Varchar, customer's payment details.
- date_of_birth: Timestamp, the customer's date of birth.
- street_address: Varchar, street address of the customer.
- location_id: Integer, references the locations table (not null).
- created_at: Timestamp, date and time when the customer was created (default is now).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- genre: Varchar, genre of the vinyl (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- condition: Varchar, condition of the vinyl (e.g., new, used) (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- range_start: Integer, starting value of the price range (unique).
- range_end: Integer, ending value of the price range (unique).
- price_range: Varchar, description of the price range (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- collection_type: Varchar, type of the collection (e.g., album, single) (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- threshold_months: Integer, threshold in months to determine if the release is new (unique).
- new_release: Varchar, description of the new release status (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- period_start: Integer, starting value of the time period (unique).
- period_end: Integer, ending value of the time period (unique).
- time_range: Varchar, description of the time range (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- label: Varchar, name of the record label (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- stock: Integer, number of vinyl records in stock (not null).
- description: Varchar, description of the vinyl.
- price: Float, price of the vinyl (not null).
- artist: Varchar, name of the artist (not null).
- title: Varchar, title of the vinyl (not null).
- release_date: Timestamp, release date of the vinyl.
- limited_edition: Boolean, indicates if the vinyl is a limited edition (default is false).
- genre_id: Integer, references the genres table (not null).
- condition_id: Integer, references the conditions table (not null).
- price_range_id: Integer, references the price_ranges table (not null).
- collection_type_id: Integer, references the collection_types table (not null).
- new_release_id: Boolean, indicates if it is a new release (not null).
- time_period_id: Integer, references the time_periods table (not null).
- label_id: Integer, references the labels table (not null).
- image_url: Varchar, URL of the vinyl image.
- discount: Integer, discount on the vinyl (default is 0).
- on_sale: Boolean, indicates if the vinyl is on sale (not null, default is false).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- format: Varchar, format of the disc (e.g., LP, EP) (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- vinyl_id: Integer, references the vinyls table.
- side_a: Varchar, contents of side A of the disc.
- side_b: Varchar, contents of side B of the disc.
- format_id: Integer, references the formats table.
- duration: Integer, duration of the disc.
- id: Integer, primary key.
- status: Varchar, status of the transaction (unique).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- price: Float, price of the shipping option (not null).
- lead_time: Timestamp, estimated lead time for delivery.
- location_id: Integer, references the locations table.
- id: Integer, primary key.
- date: Timestamp, date of the transaction (not null).
- status_id: Integer, references the statuses table.
- delivery_time: Interval, estimated delivery time.
- is_sell: Boolean, indicates if it is a sell transaction (not null, default is true).
- transaction_number: Varchar, unique transaction identifier (not null).
- customer_id: Integer, references the customers table.
- created_at: Timestamp, date and time when the transaction was created (default is now).
- tracking_number: Integer, tracking number for delivery.
- shipping_options_id: Integer, references the shipping_options table.
- id: Integer, primary key.
- score: Integer, rating score given by the customer (not null).
- description: Varchar, review description.
- vinyl_id: Integer, references the vinyls table.
- created_at: Timestamp, date and time when the review was created (default is now).
- transaction_id: Integer, references the transactions table.
- id: Integer, primary key.
- transactions_id: Integer, references the transactions table (not null).
- vinyl_id: Integer, references the vinyls table (not null).
- id: Integer, primary key.
- shipping_options_id: Integer, references the shipping_options table.
- location_id: Integer, references the locations table.