This code is an example of how to use a Faster-RCNN to detect and read numbers on pictures. You will find in Datasets/img/ a set of about 2000 pictures and their labels in Datasets/labels/.
These labels follow the pascal VOC format and where created using labelImg (
The FasterRCNN is implemented using the excellent example from Tensorpack. A few modifications have been made (the most important one being not using data augmentation by flipping all examples, as it would create problems with the digits 2 and 5).
The code is not clean or perfect as it was implemented for a Hackathon in 2 days (including labelling, which took most of the available time). This code had the best accuracy vs. all other teams, with an average accuracy of 92% on the final number reading (see 1. Reading.ipynb for the evaluation).
Requirements are not provided, however here is the list of libraries used:
tensorpack (github)
cocoapi (github)
objec-detection-metrics (github)
These should be enough to run the code. However, please note the this code will not run under Windows, and I highly recommend Linux with a decent GPU.
Place all your pictures in Datasets/img/, all labels in PascalVOC format in Datasets/labels. Run 0. VOC 2 OBF.ipynb Train the faster RCNN (refer to The output of the test set is saved in out.pickle.
On the given examples, training took about 30 minutes on one Tesla V100. (Training was stopped early).
Here are 2 pictures randomly selected on google to prove the efficiency of this method: