Easy to use annotation based model mapper with advanced capabilities.
- ModelMapper now throws implicit exceptions
- Now supports custom mapping of each element in a Iterable field.
- Each ValueMapper class will now receive the ModelMapper Object to support mapping of nested Objects.
- Now supports Spring boot managed ValueMapper and MultiValueMapper beans! (check tests for examples)
- Supports field and setter method injection. (Method setter injection is the default)
- Supports lombok setters when using the method injection strategy (default).
- Create your own value and multi value mapper classes for advanced usage.
- Map and combine multiple values into one.
- Map values to existing instances.
- Map and instantiate classes.
This library is available on mvn central.
implementation 'com.github.eye2web:model-mapper:2.2.1'
Fields with the same name and type will be mapped by default. For advanced use, the following field annotations can be used.
Examples can be found in src/main/test.
final ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
final ModelAResponse modelAResponse = modelMapper.map(modelA, ModelAResponse.class);
@MapValue(fieldName = "firstName")
private String firstName;
Iterates over each value in given Iterable. Currently only supports ArrayList as result map. For each item the mapper class will be called.
@MapValue(fieldName = "names", valueMapper = UpperCaseValueMapper.class, iterate = true)
private List<String> upperCaseNames;
Mapping multiple fields into one. The multi value mapper is custom and implements the 'MultiValueMapper' interface.
@MapValues(fieldNames = {"firstName", "lastName"},
multiValueMapper = ConcatMultiValueMapper.class)
private String fullName;
@MapValue(fieldName = "firstName",
valueMapper = FirstNameValueMapper.class,
properties = {FieldProperties.IGNORE_NULL_VALUES})
private String firstName;