SVision is a deep learning-based structural variants caller that takes aligned reads or contigs as input. Specially, SVision implements a targeted multi-objects recognition framework, detecting and characterizing both simple and complex structural variants from three-channel similarity images.
This file shows how SVision was installed on Polaris and characteristics of the run on Polaris. We will be downloading the models from the SVision repository and will use them to predict SVs on our data. We will not be building any models. HiFi sequence data is needed for building the models.
# build SVision on Polaris
module load conda/2022-09-08
mkdir -p /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/tools/svision
cd /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/tools/svision
# download latest from Git repo
git clone
cd SVision
## Create conda environment and install SVision
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate svisionenv
python install
(/soft/datascience/conda/2022-09-08/svisionenv) arodriguez@polaris-login-02:/lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/tools/svision/SVision> SVision --help
usage: SVision [-h] -o OUT_PATH -b BAM_PATH -m MODEL_PATH -g GENOME -n SAMPLE
[-t THREAD_NUM] [-s MIN_SUPPORT] [-c CHROM] [--hash] [--qname]
[--graph] [--contig] [--debug] [--min_mapq MIN_MAPQ]
[--min_sv_size MIN_SV_SIZE] [--max_sv_size MAX_SV_SIZE]
[--window_size WINDOW_SIZE]
[--patition_max_distance PATITION_MAX_DISTANCE]
[--cluster_max_distance CLUSTER_MAX_DISTANCE]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--min_gt_depth MIN_GT_DEPTH]
[--homo_thresh HOMO_THRESH] [--hete_thresh HETE_THRESH]
[--k_size K_SIZE] [--min_accept MIN_ACCEPT]
[--max_hash_len MAX_HASH_LEN]
SVision 1.3.8
Short Usage: SVision [parameters] -o <output path> -b <input bam path> -g <reference> -m <model path>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input/Output parameters:
-o OUT_PATH Absolute path to output
-b BAM_PATH Absolute path to bam file
-m MODEL_PATH Absolute path to CNN predict model
-g GENOME Absolute path to your reference genome (.fai required
in the directory)
-n SAMPLE Name of the BAM sample name
Optional parameters:
-t THREAD_NUM Thread numbers (default: 1)
-s MIN_SUPPORT Minimum support read number required for SV calling
(default: 5)
-c CHROM Specific region (chr1:xxx-xxx) or chromosome (chr1) to
--hash Activate local realignment for unmapped sequences
(default: False)
--qname Report support names for each events (default: False)
--graph Report graph for events (default: False)
--contig Activate contig mode (default: False)
--debug Activate debug mode and keep intermedia outputs
(default: False)
Collect parameters:
--min_mapq MIN_MAPQ Minimum mapping quality of reads to consider (default:
--min_sv_size MIN_SV_SIZE
Minimum SV size to detect (default: 50)
--max_sv_size MAX_SV_SIZE
Maximum SV size to detect (default: 1000000)
--window_size WINDOW_SIZE
The sliding window size in segment collection
(default: 10000000)
Cluster parameters:
--patition_max_distance PATITION_MAX_DISTANCE
Maximum distance to partition signatures (default:
--cluster_max_distance CLUSTER_MAX_DISTANCE
Clustering maximum distance for a partition (default:
Predict parameters:
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for the CNN prediction model (default: 128)
Genotype parameters:
--min_gt_depth MIN_GT_DEPTH
Minimum reads required for genotyping (default: 4)
--homo_thresh HOMO_THRESH
Minimum variant allele frequency to be called as
homozygous (default: 0.8)
--hete_thresh HETE_THRESH
Minimum variant allele frequency to be called as
heterozygous (default: 0.2)
Hash table parameters:
--k_size K_SIZE Size of kmer (default: 10)
--min_accept MIN_ACCEPT
Minimum match length for realignment (default: 50)
--max_hash_len MAX_HASH_LEN
Maximum length of unmapped sequence length for
realignment (default: 1000)
# you will manually have to download the model files from
# download to your computer and then transfer to polaris
# files:
# $ls /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/tools/svision/SVision/models
# -rw-r--r-- 1 arodri7 9420131 Oct 13 17:22 svision-cnn-model.ckpt.meta
# -rw-r--r-- 1 arodri7 713 Oct 14 10:27 svision-cnn-model.ckpt.index
# -rw-r--r-- 1 arodri7 227554836 Oct 14 10:27
We will now be able to submit the SVision job on the 30X HG00138 sample BAM file that was generated with Parabricks:
qsub -A covid-ct -I -l select=1 -l walltime=1:00:00 -l filesystems=home:eagle -q debug
module load conda/2022-09-08
conda activate svisionenv
# modify the command line
mkdir /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/wgs_test/HG00138/output/30x/svision_out
cd /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/wgs_test/HG00138/output/30x/svision_out
SVision -o /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/wgs_test/HG00138/output/30x/svision_out -b /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/wgs_test/HG00138/output/30x/HG00138.bam -m /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/tools/svision/SVision/models/svision-cnn-model.ckpt -g /lus/grand/projects/covid-ct/arodriguez/wgs_test/reference/GRCh38_CRAM/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa -n HG00138 -s 5 --graph --qname -t 32
Results will need to be evaluated similar to this.