inspired by superfine with a little extra finesse.
- Capable of renderng into shadowRoot
- Support for Fragments and root level Fragments
- upgraded preact-inspired props diffing (style objects and more...)
- Gzipped Size: 1.67 KB
npm i superfinesse
import {h, Fragment, render, mount} from 'superfinesse';
let state = {count: 0};
const root = document.createElement("div");
const update = (newState) => {
state = {...state, ...newState};
render(<App/>, root);
const Button = ({children,}) => {
return (
<button style={{
background: 'red',
height: 40 /*pixels/dimensional units inferred*/
}} {}>
const App = () => {
let {count} = state;
return (
<h1>count: {count}</h1>
<Button onClick={() =>{
update({count: count + 1})
click me
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:`
<h2>just like preact, diffing children will be skipped here</h2>