PErformance indicators of spatiotemporal PATterns of the spinal muscle coordination Output during walking with an exoskeleton
Please specify the EMG timestamp in miliseconds (see examples from test_data
- Electromiography and Gait events files should be named the same
- File name format (gait speed V should be from the list of [2, 4, 6] km per hour):
- octave version >= 5.2.0
- octave packages required: signal >= 1.4.1 statistics >= 1.4.1
>>> ./run_pepato left BLF db_healthy_adults_8m ./test_data/input/subject_0_run_0_emg_speed2kmh.csv ./test_data/input/subject_0_run_0_gaitEvents_speed2kmh.yaml ./test_data/input/subject_0_run_0_emg_speed4kmh.csv ./test_data/input/subject_0_run_0_gaitEvents_speed4kmh.yaml ./test_data/input/subject_0_run_0_emg_speed6kmh.csv ./test_data/input/subject_0_run_0_gaitEvents_speed6kmh.yaml ./test_data
- Set body side, NMF stop criteria, database filename (from
folder), input files (random order allowed) and output directory - Body side should be from the list of ['left', 'right']
- NMF stop criteria should be from the list of ['BLF', 'R2=0.90', 'N=4']
- Databases available: db_healthy_adults_8m, db_healthy_elderly_8m
(only tested under linux)
Run the following command in order to create the docker image:
docker build . -t pi_pepato
Docker image can also be directly retrieved from the Docker Hub:
docker pull eurobenchtest/pi_pepato
Assuming data files have standardized names (see above), and folder output
is already created (to contain output file):
docker run --rm -v $PWD/test_data/input:/in -v $PWD/output:/out pi_pepato ./run_pepato left BLF db_healthy_adults_8m /in/subject_0_run_0_emg_speed2kmh.csv /in/subject_0_run_0_gaitEvents_speed2kmh.yaml /in/subject_0_run_0_emg_speed4kmh.csv /in/subject_0_run_0_gaitEvents_speed4kmh.yaml /in/subject_0_run_0_emg_speed6kmh.csv /in/subject_0_run_0_gaitEvents_speed6kmh.yaml /out
Supported by Eurobench - the European robotic platform for bipedal locomotion benchmarking. More information: Eurobench website
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 779963.
The opinions and arguments expressed reflect only the author�s view and reflect in no way the European Commission�s opinions. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.