Web platform for coffee brewing statistics. User goes through 3 steps when preforming the process of coffee brewing. Each user has access to other user statistics showing their brewing parameters.
Likewise, each user has a detailed overview of all of his previous brewings.
Technical info: Calculating data based on brewing input parameters.
- go to startcoffee-fe and run
npm run install
then runnpm run prod
- go to startcoffee-generics and run
npm run install
and thennpm run prod
- go to startcoffee-be and run
npm run install
and thennpm run start
- open the application on http://localhost:5000/
Bitbucket credentials where all the repos are: username, password (see [email protected])
Use master branch only for new changes and app deployment
Make sure the droplet is turned ON. Inside the droplet click on access and login to the server using the Console. The credentials are stored on [email protected]
Run the app:
first destroy all node instances: killall node
rm -rf startcoffee-be &&
git clone https://eugensunic@bitbucket.org/eugensunic/startcoffee-be.git &&
cd startcoffee-be &&
npm install &&
npm run prod
it will ask for bitbucket credentials, (see [email protected]) and the app will start shortly after installing.
login with credentials (ask Marko Koprivnjak) https://ap.www.namecheap.com/ProductList/EmailSubscriptions
configuration inside code used to transfer mails
let transport = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "mail.privateemail.com",
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: [email protected],
pass: marko1510
Also, check .env
file where the user and password are pulled out from.
MongoDB, Node.js, Vanilla JS (JavaScript), Angular2+, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap 4
Marko Koprivnjak
skype: Marko Koprivnjak
gmail: [email protected]
Refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oykl1Ih9pMg for setting up firewall, https, nginx and upload the app online among others.