Starflow is a Gleam library for building stateful chains of LLM interactions. It provides a simple, type-safe way to create flows that transform state into prompts, interact with language models, and parse responses back into state.
This library currently only supports Claude's send_message API
gleam add starflow
Here's a simple example that asks Claude to tell a joke:
import gleam/io
import gleam/result
import gleam/string
import envoy
import starflow
import starflow/api_key
import starflow/model
import starflow/providers
import starflow/state
pub fn main() {
let result = {
// Setup API key and model
use env_api_key <- result.try(
|> result.replace_error("api key not set!"),
let api_key =, env_api_key)
let model =
// Define prompt transformer
let prompt = fn(state) {
[state.TextContent("Tell me a joke.")]
// Create and execute flow
let flow =
|> starflow.with_prompt(prompt)
let state =
starflow.invoke(state, flow)
case result {
Ok(state) -> io.println(string.inspect(state))
Error(err) -> io.println_error(err)
- Type-safe state that can hold any custom data
- Automatic conversation history tracking
- Token usage statistics
- Custom prompt generation from state
- Flexible response parsing back to state
- Default transformers for simple use cases
- Currently supports Anthropic's Claude
- Extensible provider system for future LLMs
See the test directory for examples!
let flow =
|> starflow.with_prompt(fn(question) {
starflow.invoke("What is 2+2?"), flow)
// Define custom state type
pub type GameState {
GameState(target: Int, guesses: List(Int))
// Create game flow
let game_flow =
|> starflow.with_prompt(fn(state: GameState) {
[state.TextContent("Guess a number between 1 and " <> int.to_string(]
|> starflow.with_parser(fn(state, resp) {
// Parse response and update game state
let guess = parse_number(resp)
state.State(..state, any: GameState(..state.any, guesses: [guess, ..state.any.guesses]))
let flow =
|> starflow.with_parser(fn(state, resp) {
case resp.content {
[state.TextContent(text)] -> {
// Process response text
state.State(..state, any: process_text(text))
_ -> state
gleam run # Run the project
- Chain composition for complex flows
- More sophisticated state management
- Additional provider support
- Streaming responses
- Tool usage support
For detailed documentation visit