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Lightweight RESTful lobby service that supports different games simultaneously backed by Redis. It functions similarly to the JackBox game lobby, but has additional (optional) features. You'd use this service to allow game clients to locate game servers hosted by peers.


Swagger exposes the API; rely on it instead of documentation which may be out of date. You can also check out the API controller.


Create a lobby for the "gitgame" game:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"port":6969,"name":"host nickname","hidden":false,"meta":{}}'

This can be extended with metadata:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"port":6969,"name":"host nickname","hidden":false,"meta":{"metakey1":"metavalue1","metakey2":"metavalue2"}}'


Look for lobbies for the "gitgame" game:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Search results can be further filtered by metadata.


Lobbies that are not called for a time are dropped. Call this method to refresh the TTL. This is for a lobby with an ID of "2KQPG" for the "gitgame" game.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Join Lobby

Join a lobby as a player named "player1", declaring a desire to use port 7000. This isn't technically necessary to use the service.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

Leave/Kick/Destroy Lobby

This method is overloaded. If the caller is the host, they can kick any player. If they kick themself, the lobby is destroyed. If the caller is not the host, they may only kick themself. This isn't technically necessary to use the service.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE

Configuration for AWS

  1. Create a Redis ElastiCache server.
  2. Set up an AWS Lambda function targetting Io.Autometa.Lobby.Server::Io.Autometa.Lobby.Server.Gateway::FunctionHandler. Set the ElasticacheConnectionString environment variable on it to point to the Redis server. Give it permissions to access the Redis server.
  3. Set up an API Gateway to point to the Lambda function. It should be set up in proxy mode, since the same function will handle all paths.
  4. Set up an external DNS in AWS and point it to the API Gateway.

TODO: Make this all automatic on publish.

Configuration for Local Execution

See the integration test for an example.


  1. StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis
  2. neuecc/RespClient