My dotfiles.
git clone ~/.dots
cd ~/.dots
make setup
I always come up with new feature ideas in the middle of some other project. I write them down here so I can come back and implement it during dedicated dotfiles time.
- Customize CodeCompanion prompts.
- Learn to switch between CodeCompanion models and default to Claude or Ollama instead of GPT.
- Persist folds and mark visually in sign column.
- Keymap to minimize pane width to widest row.
- Implement keymap to do this for all open panes.
- Keymap that jumps to next line with LSP feedback.
- Consider replacing telescope with fzf lua.
- Angle statusline mode and location indicators to match style of tmux.
- Statusline background should be the same color as buffer background (currently darker).
- Consider adding session name to statusline.
- Raycast doesn't seem to support getting its config from a dotfile, which is super annoying if true. Currently when I'm setting up a new machine, I have to go in and manually import my
file. Figure out the least hacky way to automate this during the setup process.