v0.1.0 - stable version with complete docs and examples
- enrichment analysis methods
- region-sets
- gene-sets
- over-representation analysis (ORA) using GSEApy enrich() function performs Fisher’s exact test (i.e., hypergeometric test) and is run locally.
- preranked gene-set enrichment analysis (preranked GSEA) using GSEApy prerank() function performs preranked GSEA and is run locally.
Note: All genomic region sets are subjected to gene-set ORA, leveraging region-gene associations of each query, and background region-set obtained using GREAT. Thereby, an extended region-set enrichment perspective can be gained by querying databases, that are not supported by region-based tools.
resources (databases) for both gene-based analyses are either downloaded (Enrichr) or copied from local JSON or GMT files.
- all Enrichr databases can be queried (enrichr_dbs).
- local JSON database files can be queried (local_json_dbs).
- local GMT database files (e.g., from MSigDB) can be queried (local_gmt_dbs).
group aggregation of results per method and database
- results of all queries belonging to the same group are aggregated per method and database.
- a filtered version taking the union of all statistically significant terms per query is also saved.
- region/gene-set specific enrichment dot plots are generated for each query, method, and database combination where the top terms are ranked (along the y-axis) by the mean rank of statistical significance, effect-size, and overlap with the goal to make the results more balanced and interpretable.
- group summary/overview
- the union of the most significant terms per query, method, and database within a group is determined.
- their effect-size and statistical significance are visualized as hierarchically clustered heatmaps.
- a hierarchically clustered bubble plot encoding both effect-size and significance is provided.
- complete documentation of used software, all features, and methods
- a minimal example to test all supported features
- external resources