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Gesture recognition

okeefm edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

CAGE’s current gesture recognition system uses the uWave gesture recognition system designed by Jiayang Liu, Zhen Whang and Lin Zhong of Rice Univerity, and Jehan Wickramasuriya and Venu Vasudevan of the Pervasive Platforms and Architectures Lab at Motorola Labs. Their system employs Dynamic Time Warping to match gestures created with different speeds, and is specifically designed for accelerometer-based gesture recognition.

You can find a white paper on their recognition system at:
CAGE’s former gesture recognition system used the $1 Gesture recognizer, designed by Jacob Wobbrock and Yang Li of the University of Washington, and Andrew Wilson of Microsoft Research. is the homepage, which contains a JavaScript implementation of the recognizer, as well as links to a paper and pseudocode about the $1 gesture recognizer.

Some other options we’re considering:

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