- Titanium is a game made in Python using the pygame library, and it is inspired by the game Frogger.
- Clone the repo to your computer
- Open the file in VSCode
- Then press the play button in the game.py file
- WASD or Arrow keys allow the player to move their character
- When the player touches the water tiles, they lose one's health. In total, they have three health points. The health bar is the the top right of the screen.
- When the player loses all of their health, they are shown the game over screen.
- The player can move on top of the moving platforms to progress through the level.
- When the player gets to the end of the level and moves on top of the brown tiles, they move to the next level.
- Pressing the ESC button lets the player pause the game
- As the player moves, the camera follows the player’s movements
- The camera has a x and y-axis, so when the player moves side-to-side or up-and-down the camera moves too.
- Once the player reaches the top level, the camera and player reset to the bottom of the screen for the next level.
- The player intersects power-up on all sides and spawns randomly
- Power-up randomly spawns without touching the water tiles
- Invisible powerup makes the player invisible and gives them extra health
- There is also a speed power-up that increases the speed of the player.
# Dirt and Grass Tilemaps
# https://bagong-games.itch.io/topdown-tileset
# Water Tilemap
# https://beeler.itch.io/top-down-earth-tileset
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gABYM5M0ww&t=2642s&ab_channel=DaFluffyPotato
# Window and Game
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gABYM5M0ww&t=2642s&ab_channel=DaFluffyPotato
# https://dafluffypotato.com/assets/pg_tutorial (01_window and 02_images_input_collisions)
# Player
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gABYM5M0ww&t=2642s&ab_channel=DaFluffyPotato
# https://dafluffypotato.com/assets/pg_tutorial (03_player_tiles_physics)
# Tilemap
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gABYM5M0ww&t=2642s&ab_channel=DaFluffyPotato
# https://dafluffypotato.com/assets/pg_tutorial (03_player_tiles_physics)
# How to create a timer: https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/time.html#pygame.time.set_timer
# How to create custom events: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24475718/pygame-custom-event