Welcome to the repository of various tools and toolsets I've gathered over the years. These tools, some of which I've crafted myself, are here for the world to benefit from, speeding up workflows and enhancing efficiency.
Ever been in the roto and paint QC world? I've developed this QC tool during my time at Pixomondo after numerous discussions and experiences in this space. It's become a reliable group node sent across vendors and departments worldwide.
Primarily, this tool is designed to showcase edge QC and perform basic premultiplication overlays. It's also aligned with a naming convention compatible for extraction as depth/type/matte.
Behold the VoronoiTextureExtractor!
With the incredible help of DasGrain and the latest implementation of blinkscript's voronoi pattern generation, we've unlocked the ability to crop a 2D part of an image and elegantly Tile/Scatter it around. Seriously, why isn't there a tile+scatter (texturize) option in nuke? Am I missing something?
Feel free to ask about or explore these tools further!