Requesting data from an API or database can be expensive. Caching responses can help save time & aid in staying under API rate limits. Using Redis as a proxy between a user/client and a secondary service helps to solve this problem.
Configurable variables:
- host address, port, database, ttl expiry, cache_capacity, max clients, max memory allocated for the cache, eviction policy
The class is a singleton, to ensure it is a single-backing instance.
Creates Redis intance with a pool of connections.
implemented features:
- Redis GET : if key is not saved in the Redis cache, it gets the data from the user-inputed url, saves the response content to Redis and returns the data as a string. If the key is saved in the cache, it returns the data as a string.
Configurable variables:
- server_class, host address, port
Maps a HTTP GET request to Redis GET using do_GET()
RedisProxy can be used on it's own or if the HTTP server is running, with a HTTP GET request.
Or, RedisProxy can be used via the which maps HTTP GET calls to the RedisProxy GET.
When a GET request is made, Redis checks its cache for the given key. If it does not exist, a request is made to the given url and saved in Redis the cache with the key.
Data is input to the system when a key does not exist in the cache and a valid http request can be made. The data from the http request in then saved to the Redis cache.
Data is output from the system anytime a valid GET request is made. Where the data comes either from the Redis cache or the http response.
if Redis CONTAINS key:
GET data and return
GET data from URL
SETEX data to Redis cache with TTL
return data
I did not implement any security features. AUTH for both Redis and the HTTP server still need to be done.
Besides limiting the number of clients, there is no restriction on the number of requests a client can make, so the current process is at risk of outside attacks or misuse.
I struggled to figure out a few of the Redis features, especially setting the maxmemory & eviction policy. Sometimes the proxy still outputs a OutOfMemory error when it tries to execute a SETEX command. I would need to do more reserach into handling this error, outside of just allocating more memory to the proxy.
I would have liked to write more tests, to catch more of the edge cases, but ran out of time.
Create connection to Redis and handle functionality of GET
Creates the HTTP server and maps HTTP GET to Redis GET
Loads all of the env variables and stores them for other classes to access
Creates a logging object with basic configuration. Can config the logger with the inputs: file_name, class_name, level
Runs tests for redis_proxy & http_server. Tests the following feateres: max concurrent users, fixed key size, global expiry, Redis GET, single backing instance, http GET, lru eviction
GET : O(1)
TTL : O(1)
SETEX : O(1)
CONFIG SET : O(N) when N is the number of configuration parameters provided
redis_get() : O(N) when data is of type `bytes`, O(1) otherwise.
check_key() : O(1)
__validate_input() : O(N) when N is the number of configuration parameters provided
__set_config_features() : O(N) when N is the number of configuration parameters provided
__set_eviction_policy() : O(1)
tar -xzvf assignment.tar.gz
cd assignment
make test
(optional) Edit the .env file with desired specs
make run
(optional) Edit the .env file with desired specs
import & call get_instance()
import http_server, host, port) requests.get("http_server_host:port", params={'url':'', 'key':'key_for_redis_cache', 'params':'{'params to pass to get request of':'value'}'})
RedisProxy EXAMPLE:
'''In the terminal'''
make redis_start
'''In a .py script'''
import redis_proxy
redis_client = redis_proxy.RedisProxy.get_instance()
redis_client.redis_get(url, key)
# OR
redis_client.redis_get(url, key, payload_for_http_call_with_url)
'''In the terminal'''
# set env variables: HTTP_PORT, HTTP_HOST
make redis_start
make http_start # to run in background
curl -X GET -G 'http://HTTP_HOST:HTTP_PORT' -d 'url=' -d 'key=test_url'
make shutdown # to shutdown http & Redis server
'''OR in a .py script'''
import http_server, host, port)