Blog post with
- Title, Body & Excerpt
- Filter by Categories tag
- Filter by Tags
- Filter by Authors tag
- RSS feed
Blog comments with
- Title, name, email, body
- By default, Confirmable by Email
- Optional Captcha
- Optional Manual Moderation
- Optional Email Notification
Administration panel
- write blogs
- manage comments (unread/approved/refuse)
- Change settings
You need to install
gem install acts-as-taggable-on
add the line:
config.gem "acts-as-taggable-on", :source => ""
to your environment.rb (now application.rb)
If you are already using acts-as-taggable-on in your app, you may want to remove the migration file for "tags/taggings" tables.
The Captcha use Raptcha, a really cool "one file lib" that just work from ahoward @ If you want to use Captcha, you need rMagick (which is already a dependency of RefineryCMS) and fattr:
gem install fattr
The lib is located at /lib/raptcha.rb, you can update it or edit to fit your need.
First, make sure you've run the migration on RefineryCMS (db:setup / db:migrate).
Deal with the dependencies (see dependencies)
Clone the plugin:
script/plugin install git://
Copy the migration with
rake refinery:blog:install
& run the migration
rake db:migrate
Still not done, sorry
There is an RSS feed at /blog.rss, auto discovery link to /blog.rss are include in index and view.
This is somewhat news plugin from Philip Arndt + comments. see: