Eleusoft - JAXP XPath test suite
A collection of tests that cross check two XPath JAXP implementations.
There are ~250 very simple tests that cross check behavior of different implementations, in compiled and standard version, for a total of 5632 tests.
This project was born to cross check JXPath against Xalan first (2007) and then Saxon, later on has been expanded to include Jaxen.
- Saxon
- Xalan
- Jaxen
- JXPath
- JXPath Eleusoft (Modified JXPath)
eleusoft_jaxp_common - JAXP XPath Common (dependency)
eleusoft_jaxp_jxpath - JAXP XPath for JXPath (dependency)
eleusoft_jaxp_jaxen - JAXP XPath for Jaxen (dependency)
Michele Vivoda