The lightswitch app.
Currently supports: Philips Hue, LIFX
Our Google+ community is the best place to ask questions, report bugs and request features. Bug reports and feature requests can also be submitted through the GitHub Issues tracker.
Additionally we have a user guide and developer docs.
Help translate the app at GetLocalization.
Code and documentation contributions are also welcome. For getting setup with the code and submitting changes, take a look at the contributors doc.
- The source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt.
- The LampShade name and logo are trademarks of Eric Kuxhausen.
- The greyscale version of the LampShade logo is released under the CC BY-ND 4.0 License
- The included intelij-java-google-style.xml is an unmodified copy of Google's Java code style formatter rules released under the CC-By 3.0 License
- Eric Kuxhausen