responsive self hosted photo manager writen in nodejs, koa2, react, redux capable of read exif photo info live demo
- image lazy loading
- complete management console
- manage ALBUMs
- theming
first you need to install nodejs, and make sure ImageMagick is installed on your server.
//On Ubuntu
$ apt-get install imagemagick
//On Mac OS X
$ brew install imagemagick
//On CentOS
$ yum install imagemagick
create a config file at project roo directory: _config.js
// ------ _config.js --------
module.exports = {
token: 'userLoginToken',
username: 'username',
port: 4000, // server port
devPort: 4003,
client: {
siteTitle: 'ΞISNΞIM Photography',
aboutHTML: '
<p>some html content</p> \
aboutLinks: [
{ text: 'Instagram', link: '' },
{ text: 'Vimeo', link: '' },
{ text: 'github', link: '' },
mySiteLink: { text: 'my site', link: '' },
install all dependency
$ npm install
boundle the client app
$ npm run build
start dev server,
$ npm start
it's a better idea to run an nginx server in front of you node server, and you should also use a runner for your node eg. pm2 or forever