Control your mouse and keyboard throught your browser's smartphone. [video]
This application uses Websockets to create a connection between the host and the browser and it is compatible for Windows and Linux (WIP for OSX).
Building for Linux (Click to expand)
1. Clone this repository $ git clone
- Install the prerequisites packages:
$ sudo apt install cmake zlib1g-dev libx11-dev libxtst-dev
- Initialize submodule folder and update it
$ git submodule init; git submodule update
- Build libwebsockets and install
$ cd libwebsockets;mkdir build;cd build;cmake ..;make; sudo make install;
- In mouse-posyx's folders, execute the following commands to build:
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
- Copy libwebsockets's implementations to the proper folder
$ sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libwebsockets* /usr/lib
- Execute the application
$ ./mouse-posyx
- Access the application throught IP:8000 in your favorite browser.
- Enjoy!
Building for Windows (Click to expand)
1. Install OpenSSL, cmake and Visual Studio-
Clone this repository
Build and install libwebsockets
In root folder, create a 'build' folder
md build; cd build
5a. Prepare the development enviroment to compile
cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE
5b. Prepare the development enviroment to compile, with OpenSSL activated:
- Compile
Execute the application
Access the application throught IP:8000 in your favorite browser.
Building for MacOSX (Click to expand)
1. Clone this repository $ git clone
- Initialize submodule folder and update it
$ git submodule init; git submodule update
- Build libwebsockets and install
$ cd libwebsockets;mkdir build;cd build;cmake .. -DLWS_WITH_SSL=OFF -DLWS_WITHOUT_BUILTIN_SHA1=OFF;make; sudo make install;
- In mouse-posyx's folders, execute the following commands to build:
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
- Execute the application
$ ./mouse-posyx
- Access the application throught IP:8000 in your favorite browser.
- Enjoy!
Binaries are only available for Windows, and you can download here