demo setup
is a script which helps to setup a demo on a container launch.
It checks for various issues which might prevent successful demo and
returns a non-zero exit status if any errors are detected. The script also may
adjust some access permissions, for example to allow access GPU under specific user
- user
This is a user account which is used to:
Run nginx server
Run ffmpeg transcoding scheduled by nginx server
Run demo client(s) under the container (if that’s the case)
Run demo monitoring tools like Intel GPU Top, Top or server monitoring scripts
- /opt/data/artifacts
Location designated for various demo output artifacts. For example, the output from running the server side ffmpeg transcoding and monitoring scripts and/or client side player and monitoring scripts. user needs rw permissions for this location.
- /opt/data/content
Location where you can put your own content for the demo. user needs r permission for this location.
- /var/www/hls
Location where HLS stream is generated. user needs rw permissions for this location.