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Ed Herman edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 9 revisions

Database Schema


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
name string null:false, indexed
email string null:false, unique:true
password_digest string null:false, unique:true
session_token string null:false, unique:true, indexed
timestamps datetime


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
name string null:false, indexed
description text
manager_id integer null:false, indexed
timestamps datetime

Todo Lists


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
name string null:false, indexed
details text
project_id integer null:false, indexed
timestamps datetime


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
description string null:false, indexed
todo_id integer null:false, indexed
notes string
due integer foreign key (points to event), indexed
complete boolean null:false
timestamps datetime

Message Board


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
title string null:false, indexed
category string indexed
project_id integer null:false, indexed
body text null:false
timestamps datetime



column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
name string null:false, indexed
start datetime null:false
end datetime null:false
notes text
project_id integer null:false
timestamps datetime

Poloymorphic Associations:


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
author_id integer null:false, indexed
body text null:false
commentable reference polymorphic: true
timestamps datetime
  • todo lists, todo items, messages, and events are commentable

Potential Bonus:


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
user_id integer null:false, indexed
assignable reference polymorphic: true
timestamps datetime
  • todo items and events are assignable


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
user_id integer null:false, indexed
subscribable reference polymorphic: true
timestamps datetime
  • anything that is commentable is subscribable


column name data type info
id integer null:false, unique:true, indexed
author_id integer null:false, indexed
body string null:false
boostable reference polymorphic: true
timestamps datetime
  • messages, events, and comments are boostable

Recent Updates Displayed at bottom of page

  • Project Activity from timestamps info