- Requires Docker on Kubernetes node
- Kubernetes cluster with at least 4GB memory and 2 vCPUs
- kubectl available on path and configured to use a cluster
- Fabric binaries available on path
- Three peer orgs and two orderer orgs. Peer orgs too run an orderer each.
- Each org components are deployed in org's own namespace
- crypto materials generated by cryptogen
- crypto materials and channel-artifacts are mounted as k8s Secret
- Fabric CA stores data in Postgres (in this demo in sqlite)
- Fabric peer uses couchdb as state db. CouchDB is deployed in a separate pod (in this demo same pod as peer itself)
./hlf.sh up
Have peers joined to channel. Ensure all components are up and running.
./hlf.sh joinChannel
Chaincode lifecycle
./hlf.sh ccInstall
./hlf.sh ccApprove
./hlf.sh ccCommit
./hlf.sh ccInvoke # Creates greeting="Hello, World!"
./hlf.sh ccQuery # Reads greeting value
./hlf.sh ccInvokeUpdate # Updates greeting="Hello, Blockchain!"
./hlf.sh ccQuery # Reads greeting value to check update succeeded
Start explorer db
kubectl -n org1 apply -f explorer/explorerdb.yaml
Start explorer. Ensure explorerdb is up and running.
kubectl -n org1 apply -f explorer/explorer.yaml
Access explorer UI
kubectl -n org1 port-forward svc/explorer 8080:80
explorer should now be available at http://localhost:8080
Start server
kubectl -n org1 apply -f api/api-k8s.yaml
port-forward API server once its in Running state
kubectl -n org1 port-forward svc/hlf-api 3000
Access API Swagger UI at http://localhost:3000/swagger