Don't keep your thoughts to yourself, welcome to WakaLie.
WakaLie is basically an open source text posting platform still in the early stages of development.
Node and npm
MongoDB compass and MongoDB
- Follow instructions from the docs
Fork repository
Clone the forked repository in prefered directory
git clone <project-url>
Enter project directory
cd Wakalie
Initialize project
git init
Install dependencies
npm install
Start react app (in root of the project folder)
npm start
Goto backend
cd Backend
Start server
nodemon server
- Build frontend of base pages
- Build a pre-database that would be used for development
- Implement sign up
- Implement log in
- Remove certain routes for unauthorised users
- Save picture when signing up
- Implement basic functionalities like posting and updating profile
- User pages
- more to come...
- Lastly, host project
- Futher maintainance
If you want to contribute to this project, simply follow the steps in the contribution guide. I look forward to your contributions. 😎
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!