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[Test] Rework NodeJS Express devfile API test #23287

merged 8 commits into from
Jan 9, 2025


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@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey commented Dec 16, 2024

What does this PR do?

Rework the NodeJS Express devfile API test regarding our previous strategy wich was implemented in the PHP devfile API test

Screenshot/screencast of this PR

  NodeJS Express devfile API test
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.loginToOcp - oc - login to the "OC" client.
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.getServerUrl - oc - get server api url.
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.isUserLoggedIn - oc
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc whoami && oc whoami --show-server=true
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.getServerUrl - oc - get server api url.
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.loginToOcp - oc - user already logged
command: oc get pods -n openshift-devspaces
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeArbitraryShellScript - oc get pods -n openshift-devspaces | grep dashboard | awk '{print $1}'
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get pods -n openshift-devspaces | grep dashboard | awk '{print $1}'
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeArbitraryShellScript - oc get pod -n openshift-devspaces devspaces-dashboard-5c99658d6f-s4qzc -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get pod -n openshift-devspaces devspaces-dashboard-5c99658d6f-s4qzc -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'
devspaces-dashboard          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeArbitraryShellScript - oc get svc devspaces-dashboard -n  openshift-devspaces -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get svc devspaces-dashboard -n  openshift-devspaces -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeArbitraryShellScript - oc get svc devspaces-dashboard -n  openshift-devspaces -o=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[*].port}'
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get svc devspaces-dashboard -n  openshift-devspaces -o=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[*].port}'
8080          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc exec -i devspaces-dashboard-5c99658d6f-s4qzc -n  openshift-devspaces -c devspaces-dashboard -- sh -c 'curl -o /tmp/nodejs-express-devfile.yaml'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  2065  100  2065    0     0  1008k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1008k
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeArbitraryShellScript - oc exec -i devspaces-dashboard-5c99658d6f-s4qzc -n  openshift-devspaces -c devspaces-dashboard -- cat /tmp/nodejs-express-devfile.yaml
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc exec -i devspaces-dashboard-5c99658d6f-s4qzc -n  openshift-devspaces -c devspaces-dashboard -- cat /tmp/nodejs-express-devfile.yaml
schemaVersion: 2.2.2
  name: nodejs-web-app
  - name: tools
        - exposure: public
          name: nodejs
          protocol: https
          targetPort: 3000
      memoryLimit: '1Gi'
      memoryRequest: '512Mi'
      cpuLimit: '0.5'
      cpuRequest: '0.25'
      mountSources: true
        - name: npm
          path: /home/user/.npm
  - name: npm
      size: 1G
  - id: 1-dependencies
      label: "Download dependencies"
      component: tools
      workingDir: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      commandLine: "npm install"
        kind: build
  - id: 2-run
      label: "Run the web app"
      component: tools
      workingDir: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      commandLine: "nodemon app.js"
        kind: run
  - id: 3-install-and-run
      label: "Run the web app (and download dependencies)"
      component: tools
      workingDir: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      commandLine: "npm install; nodemon app.js"
        kind: run
  - id: 4-debug
      label: "Run the web app (debugging enabled)"
      component: tools
      workingDir: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      commandLine: "nodemon --inspect app.js"
        kind: debug
        isDefault: true
  - id: 5-stopapp
      label: "Stop the web app"
      component: tools
      commandLine: >-
        node_server_pids=$(pgrep -fx '.*nodemon (--inspect )?app.js' | tr "\\n" "
        ") && echo "Stopping node server with PIDs: ${node_server_pids}" &&  kill
        -15 ${node_server_pids} &>/dev/null && echo 'Done.'
        kind: run
  - name: web-nodejs-sample
      location: http://devspaces-dashboard.openshift-devspaces.svc:8080/dashboard/api/airgap-sample/project/download?id=nodejs-express
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get configmap editors-definitions -o jsonpath="{.data.che-code\.yaml}" -n openshift-devspaces
- apply:
    component: che-code-injector
  id: init-container-command
- exec:
    commandLine: nohup /checode/ > /checode/entrypoint-logs.txt
      2>&1 &
    component: che-code-runtime-description
  id: init-che-code-command
- container:
    - /
    cpuLimit: 500m
    cpuRequest: 30m
    memoryLimit: 256Mi
    memoryRequest: 32Mi
    - name: checode
      path: /checode
  name: che-code-injector
- attributes: che-code-runtime true
    cpuLimit: 500m
    cpuRequest: 30m
    - attributes:
        cookiesAuthEnabled: true
        discoverable: false
        type: main
        urlRewriteSupported: true
      exposure: public
      name: che-code
      protocol: https
      secure: true
      targetPort: 3100
    - attributes:
        discoverable: false
        urlRewriteSupported: false
      exposure: public
      name: code-redirect-1
      protocol: https
      targetPort: 13131
    - attributes:
        discoverable: false
        urlRewriteSupported: false
      exposure: public
      name: code-redirect-2
      protocol: https
      targetPort: 13132
    - attributes:
        discoverable: false
        urlRewriteSupported: false
      exposure: public
      name: code-redirect-3
      protocol: https
      targetPort: 13133
    memoryLimit: 1024Mi
    memoryRequest: 256Mi
    - name: checode
      path: /checode
  name: che-code-runtime-description
- name: checode
  volume: {}
  - init-che-code-command
  - init-container-command
    firstPublicationDate: "2022-07-19"
    iconData: |
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    iconMediatype: image/svg+xml
    publisher: che-incubator
    skipMetaYaml: true
    title: Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces with Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source
    version: latest
  description: Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces with Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open
    Source IDE
  displayName: VS Code - Open Source
  name: che-code
schemaVersion: 2.2.2
          ▼ DevWorkspaceConfigurationHelper.generateDevfileContext
No plug-in registry url. Setting to
Validating devfile
Devfile is valid with schema version 2.2.2
DevWorkspace che-code-nodejs-web-app was generated
          ▼ DevWorkspaceConfigurationHelper.getDevWorkspaceConfigurationYamlAsString
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.applyAndWaitDevWorkspace - oc
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.applyYamlConfigurationAsStringOutput - oc
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc apply -n admin-devspaces -f /tmp/devfile-9874.yaml && rm -f /tmp/devfile-9874.yaml created created
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.waitDevWorkspace - oc - wait till workspace ready.
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc wait -n admin-devspaces --for=condition=Ready dw nodejs-web-app07f26267 --timeout=360s condition met
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.getPodAndContainerNames - oc
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.getWorkspacePodName - oc - get workspace pod name.
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get pod -l -n admin-devspaces -o name
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.getContainerName - oc - get container name.
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc get pod/workspaceb135e57619eb4088-6fd98cf9f-4slms -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' -n admin-devspaces
tools che-gateway

    ✔ Create nodejs-express workspace (54556ms)
      • workdir from exec section of DevWorkspace file: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      • commandLine from exec section of DevWorkspace file: npm install
          ▼ ContainerTerminal.execInContainerCommand - oc
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc exec -i -t pod/workspaceb135e57619eb4088-6fd98cf9f-4slms -n admin-devspaces -c tools -- sh -c 'cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app && npm install'
Unable to use a TTY - input is not a terminal or the right kind of file
npm warn old lockfile
npm warn old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm,
npm warn old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry.
npm warn old lockfile
npm warn old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient...
npm warn old lockfile

added 50 packages, and audited 51 packages in 2s

7 vulnerabilities (3 low, 4 high)

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix

Run `npm audit` for details.
npm notice
npm notice New major version of npm available! 10.8.1 -> 11.0.0
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice To update run: npm install -g [email protected]
npm notice
    ✔ Check packaging application
      • workdir from exec section of DevWorkspace file: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      • commandLine from exec section of DevWorkspace file: nodemon app.js
          ▼ ContainerTerminal.execInContainerCommandWithTimeout - oc
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand -  timeout 20 oc exec -i pod/workspaceb135e57619eb4088-6fd98cf9f-4slms -n admin-devspaces -c tools -- sh -c 'cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app && nodemon app.js'
[nodemon] 3.0.1
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node app.js`
Example app listening on port 3000!
    ✔ Check "run the web app" command
      • workdir from exec section of DevWorkspace file: undefined
      • commandLine from exec section of DevWorkspace file: node_server_pids=$(pgrep -fx '.*nodemon (--inspect )?app.js' | tr "\\n" " ") && echo "Stopping node server with PIDs: ${node_server_pids}" &&  kill -15 ${node_server_pids} &>/dev/null && echo 'Done.'
          ▼ ContainerTerminal.execInContainerCommand - oc
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc exec -i -t pod/workspaceb135e57619eb4088-6fd98cf9f-4slms -n admin-devspaces -c tools -- sh -c 'node_server_pids=$(pgrep -fx '"'"'.*nodemon (--inspect )?app.js'"'"' | tr "\\n" " ") && echo "Stopping node server with PIDs: ${node_server_pids}" &&  kill -15 ${node_server_pids} &>/dev/null && echo '"'"'Done.'"'"''
Unable to use a TTY - input is not a terminal or the right kind of file
Stopping node server with PIDs: 92 
    ✔ Check "stop the web app" command
      • workdir from exec section of DevWorkspace file: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app
      • commandLine from exec section of DevWorkspace file: nodemon --inspect app.js
          ▼ ContainerTerminal.execInContainerCommandWithTimeout - oc
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand -  timeout 20 oc exec -i pod/workspaceb135e57619eb4088-6fd98cf9f-4slms -n admin-devspaces -c tools -- sh -c 'cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/web-nodejs-sample/app && nodemon --inspect app.js'
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
[nodemon] 3.0.1
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node --inspect app.js`
Example app listening on port 3000!
    ✔ Check "Run the web app (debugging enabled)" command
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.deleteDevWorkspace - oc - delete 'nodejs-web-app07f26267' devWorkspace
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc patch dw nodejs-web-app07f26267 -n admin-devspaces -p '{ "metadata": { "finalizers": null }}' --type merge || true patched
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc delete dw nodejs-web-app07f26267 -n admin-devspaces || true "nodejs-web-app07f26267" deleted
          ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.deleteDevWorkspace - oc - delete 'che-code-nodejs-web-app' devWorkspaceTemplate
          ▼ ShellExecutor.executeCommand - oc delete dwt che-code-nodejs-web-app -n admin-devspaces || true "che-code-nodejs-web-app" deleted

  5 passing (2m)

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Reviewers, please comment how you tested the PR when approving it.

@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey added status/in-progress This issue has been taken by an engineer and is under active development. kind/task Internal things, technical debt, and to-do tasks to be performed. area/qe labels Dec 16, 2024
@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey self-assigned this Dec 16, 2024
@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey marked this pull request as ready for review January 7, 2025 14:14
@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey added status/code-review This issue has a pull request posted for it and is awaiting code review completion by the community. and removed status/in-progress This issue has been taken by an engineer and is under active development. labels Jan 7, 2025
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dmytro-ndp commented Jan 7, 2025

@SkorikSergey : even though test has passed, I had noticed next error messages in the test logs:

 tr: missing operand after ‘\\n’
 Two strings must be given when translating.
 Try 'tr --help' for more information.
 /bin/sh: 154:  : not found
 tr: missing operand
 Try 'tr --help' for more information.
 /bin/sh: 226: "\\n": not found created created
           ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.waitDevWorkspace - oc - wait till workspace ready.

Could you take a look, please?

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Contributor Author

@SkorikSergey : even though test has passed, I had noticed next error messages in the test logs:

 tr: missing operand after ‘\\n’
 Two strings must be given when translating.
 Try 'tr --help' for more information.
 /bin/sh: 154:  : not found
 tr: missing operand
 Try 'tr --help' for more information.
 /bin/sh: 226: "\\n": not found created created
           ▼ KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.waitDevWorkspace - oc - wait till workspace ready.

Could you take a look, please?

This happens on oc apply step

`${this.kubernetesCommandLineTool} exec -i ${KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.pod} -n ${this.namespace} -c ${container} -- sh -c '${commandToExecute}'`

I think that because of 'stop app' command format. It uses single quotes in command line

                    label: Stop the web app
                    component: tools
                    commandLine: "node_server_pids=$(pgrep -fx '.*nodemon (--inspect )?app.js' | tr
                      \"\\\\n\" \" \") && echo \"Stopping node server with PIDs:
                      ${node_server_pids}\" &&  kill -15 ${node_server_pids} &>/dev/null
                      && echo 'Done.'"
                      kind: run```

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@SkorikSergey : thank you for the answer.

In that case we could look for another way to create workspace, apart from cat <<EOF | oc apply -n admin-devspaces -f - command.

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@SkorikSergey : I have reworked method KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.applyYamlConfigurationAsStringOutput(), in the recent commit, which should fix the errors of workspace creation which was mentioned above.

Could you get the changes from the main branch and run the test again, please?

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Contributor Author

@SkorikSergey : I have reworked method KubernetesCommandLineToolsExecutor.applyYamlConfigurationAsStringOutput(), in the recent commit, which should fix the errors of workspace creation which was mentioned above.

Could you get the changes from the main branch and run the test again, please?

Works well, thank you

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@dmytro-ndp dmytro-ndp left a comment

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Thanks for addressing review notices, @SkorikSergey !

NodeJsExpressDevFileAPI test passed being run against DS 3.17.0, and error lo didn't contain error messages:

Well done!

@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey merged commit 2f9d491 into main Jan 9, 2025
5 checks passed
@SkorikSergey SkorikSergey deleted the nodejsexpress branch January 9, 2025 14:58
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area/qe kind/task Internal things, technical debt, and to-do tasks to be performed. status/code-review This issue has a pull request posted for it and is awaiting code review completion by the community.
None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

2 participants