This plugin is now deprecated and effectively replaced by the new javaagent based plugin.
IntelliJ IDEA plugin to perform EbeanORM Enhancement
Ebean enhancement plugin for IntelliJ IDEA - Adds post-compile Ebean enhancement.
Based on the previous work by Mario Ivankovits and updated by Yevgeny Krasik for IntelliJ IDEA 13+.
./gradlew runIde
for running the plugin.
Use the same gradle task (optionally running it with debug) to do the same from within IntelliJ.
./gradlew buildPlugin
./gradlew release
This will tag, build and the file will be available in build/distributions/ebean-idea-enhancer-*.zip
First create ``~/.gradle/``` and add the following lines (with correct data). This is necessary for uploading to JetBrains repository.
After that, run:
./gradlew -PwithUpload release
This will tag, build, push to jetbrains and the file
will also available in build/distributions/ebean-idea-enhancer-*.zip