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Quick Setup

André Wehrli edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 3 revisions

Quick Setup your Raspberry Pi to use the Waveshare E-Paper Display library

  1. Download and install Raspberry Pi OS on your Raspberry
  2. Open the config.txt on the Raspbery Pi boot partition and add:
#Add this line if you get "System.IO.IOException: Device or resource busy : '/sys/class/gpio/export'"
  1. wget (from
  2. sudo /bin/bash -c Current --install-dir /opt/dotnet
  3. vi /etc/profile.d/ with content:
export DOTNET_ROOT=/opt/dotnet
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/dotnet
  1. apt-get install libgdiplus
  2. reboot
  3. run dotnet --version to check if it is working
  4. Compile the example with your Display and copy the published files to the Raspberry Pi
  5. Go into the example directory and run: dotnet Waveshare.Example.dll
  6. Your display should start to flicer and show the image
  7. Have fun :-)
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