MC33 library version 5.3
This library is a new version of the MC33 library of the paper:
Vega, D., Abache, J., Coll, D., A Fast and Memory-Saving Marching Cubes 33 implementation with the correct interior test, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), vol. 8, no. 3, 1-18, 2019.
The MC33 library is an open source software. The distribution and use rights are under the terms of the MIT license, described in the file "LICENSE.txt".
Makefile (Linux or MinGW/msys GCC makefile)
MakefileMSVC.mak (MSVC NMAKE makefile)
compileMSVC.bat (batch script to compile with MSVC)
include/marching_cubes_33.h (header file)
source/marching_cubes_33.c (contains the code)
source/MC33_LookUpTable.h (Triangulation pattern for each MC33 case)
source/MC33_util_grd.c (contains additional code to read and manage grid files)
source/libMC33.c (library source file)
FLTK_example/TestMC33.cpp (Example of use. FLTK library is required)
FLTK_example/makefileMinGW-w64.mak (MinGW/msys GCC makefile)
FLTK_example/makefiledebian.mak (Debian GCC makefile)
GLUT_example/TestMC33_glut.c (Example of use. GLUT or FREEGLUT library is required)
GLUT_example/makefileMinGW-w64.mak (MinGW/msys GCC makefile)
GLUT_example/makefiledebian.mak (Debian GCC makefile)
There are 3 options that can be modified before compiling the library. You can do it by editing the marching_cubes_33.h or libMC33.c file:
To change the data type of the grid (the default value is float) define size_type_GRD and/or integer_GRD (marching_cubes_33.h). For example:
#define size_type_GRD 8 // the data type is double #define integer_GRD #define size_type_GRD 4 // the data type is unsigned int #define integer_GRD #define size_type_GRD 2 // the data type is unsigned short int #define integer_GRD #define size_type_GRD 1 // the data type is unsigned char
If you do not use inclined grids, you can define GRD_orthogonal (marching_cubes_33.h):
#define GRD_orthogonal
If you need to exchange the front and back surfaces, define MC_Normal_neg (libMC33.c):
#define MC_Normal_neg
Compile the libMC33.cpp file as a static C library:
- A GCC makefile is supplied with the library. In a Linux terminal or in msys2 mingw console go to the folder where the Makefile file is, and type: make
- If you are using Visual Studio, run the batch script compileMSVC.bat to compile for x64 target platform. If you want to compile for win32 platform, open a cmd window in the folder where compileMSVC.bat exists and type: .\compileMSVC x86
Once the library is compiled copy the libMC33.a (or MC33.lib) from the local lib directory to the compiler lib directory. Also copy the marching_cubes_33.h file from the local include directory to the compiler include directory.
Include the header file in your C/C++ code:
#include <marching_cubes_33.h>
and put in the linker options of your program makefile: -lMC33
Instead of compiling the library, you can directly include the library code files in your code. Put at the beginning of your C/C++ code:
#include "..Path ../source/marching_cubes_33.c"
To use the functions that read some grid files, also include the MC33_util_grd.c file (marching_cubes_33.h file has to be included before).
In Debian terminal window, go to the FLTK_example or GLUT_example folder and write:
make -f makefiledebian.mak
Or in a msys2 MinGW64 Shell (Windows), write:
make -f makefileMinGW-w64.mak
For the FLTK example in any operating system you also can use the fltk-config script:
path/fltk-1.X.Y/fltk-config --compile TestMC33.cpp
The makefiles use the -Ofast optimization option and the fltk-config script uses a lower optimization level.
In the GLUT example, the file containing the grid must be passed to the program on the command line (you can also drag and drop the grid file into the executable file in Windows File Explorer). No other grid files can be read from the running program. This example uses the generate_grid_from_fn
function (found in the MC33_util_grd.c file) to generate grids from math functions if the grid file is not specified.
You can declare a _GRD
pointer and then use one of the functions to load files that contain grids (read_grd, read_scanfiles, read_raw_file or read_dat_file, found in the MC33_util_grd.c file):
_GRD* G;
G = read_dat_file("filename.dat");
Or create a _GRD
from your own grid data, for example:
unsigned int nx, ny, nz, i, j, k, l;
double r0[3] = {-4, -4, -4}, d[3] = {0.04, 0.04, 0.04};
nx = ny = nz = 201;
float *data = (float*)malloc(nx*ny*nz*sizeof(float));
l = 0;
for (k = 0; k < nz; ++k)
float z = r0[2] + k*d[2];
for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j)
float y = r0[1] + j*d[1];
for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i)
float x = r0[0] + i*d[0];
data[l++] = cos(x) + cos(y) + cos(z);
_GRD *G = grid_from_data_pointer(nx, ny, nz, data);
memcpy(G->r0, r0, sizeof r0);
memcpy(G->d, d, sizeof d);
see the file marching_cubes_33.h for the description of the _GRD
Now, you need create a MC33 structure using the create_MC33 function:
MC33 *M;
M = create_MC33(G);
To calculate the isosurface with the MC33 algorithm:
surface* S;
S = calculate_isosurface(M, isovalue);
To free the memory occupied by S:
To free the memory occupied by M:
See marching_cubes_33.h and MC33_util_grd.c for the use of other functions.
A new function was added to the MC33_util_grd.c file. The generate_grid_from_fn
function permits build a grid by using a scalar function double fn(double x, double y, double z)
for example:
// sphere function
double fs(double x, double y, double z) {
const double radius = 1.0;
const double cx = 2.0, cy = 2.0, cz = 2.0;
x -= cx; y -= cy; z -= cz;
return radius*radius - x*x - y*y - z*z;
_GRD *G;
G = generate_grid_from_fn(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, // coordinates of the grid origin
3.5, 3.5, 3.5, // coordinates of the opposite corner
0.03, 0.03, 0.03, // steps
MC33 *MC = 0;
if (G)
MC = create_MC33(G);
free_MC33(MC); // release the memory occupied by MC
free_memory_grd(G); // release the memory occupied by G
If fn (the last argument of generate_grid_from_fn
) is NULL, an empty grid will be created but with memory reserved for the data.
If you already have a data array of the same type as the data in the _GRD
struct, you can use the grid_from_data_pointer
function to set the internal pointers to the grid data. This avoids duplicating the data. The external data will not be modified when the free_memory_grd function is used.
To display the surface with OpenGL:
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &S->V[0]);
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, &S->N[0]);
glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, &S->color[0]);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 3*S->nT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &S->T[0]);
unsigned int i = 3*S->nT + 1;
unsigned int *t = S->T[0] - 1;
while (--i) {
glColor4ubv((unsigned char *)&(S->color[*t]));
To calculate the size (in bytes) of an isosurface, without calculating the isosurface, use:
unsigned long long size = size_of_isosurface(M, iso, nV, nT);
where M is a pointer to the MC33 structure, iso is the isovalue (a "float
"), nV and nT are pointers to the unsigned integers that will contain the number of vertices and triangles, respectively.
See this link
See MC33_libraries web page.
Mail to: [email protected]