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Compute multiple profiles
First, you will need a Spark session to work with NextiaJD. If you have not created it, you can use the following code
val spark = SparkSession
Note that this tutorial requires to import the implicit class. You can import it like this:
import edu.upc.essi.dtim.NextiaJD.implicits
There are different ways to profile multiple datasets. But for this example, we will asume a csv file with all the datasets information we would like to profile. This csv file will contain the columns dataset, path and delimiter and will look something like the following:
Then, we read this dataset in Spark with the following code:
val path = "/Users/javierflores/Documents/UPC_projects/tmp3/n/nextiajd_wiki/data"
val filename = "datasets_info.csv"
val datasetsInfo = spark.read.option("header","true").option("inferSchema","true").option("escape", "\"")
We will need to create a method to read the datasets. We will use the following method:
def readDataset(spark: SparkSession, pathCSV:String, delim : String ):DataFrame = {
.option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("delimiter", delim)
Finally, the idea is to iterate each row from the datasetInfo
variable and call the method readDataset()
providing the row's information. This will look like the following:
case Row( dataset: String, path: String, delimiter: String ) =>
readDataset(spark, s"${path}/${dataset}",delimiter).attProfile()
In case, you would like to store the datasets or the profiles in a variable. We can also used a hashmap where the key will be the dataset name and the value the dataframe object. Then our code would look like this:
var datasets = Map[String, DataFrame]()
case Row( dataset: String, path: String, delimiter: String ) =>
val df = readDataset(spark, s"${path}/${dataset}",delimiter)
// this will compute the profile
// we save the dataset using as key the dataset name and the value the dataframe object.
datasets = datasets + (dataset -> df)