This application aggregates and displays scouting data for the 2019 FRC game "Destination: Deep Space Presented By The Boeing Company".
To collect said data, use of the companion mobile app is highly recommended (unless you wish to either manually patch together a QR code or write your own mobile app).
All data files, including CSVs and robot images, are stored at:
~/Library/Containers/com.aydintiritoglu.scouting1072-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/com.aydintiritoglu.scouting1072-mac/
may be a different value depending on what you set the app's bundle ID to be.
To scan a QR code, click the Scan button and then click Ready. You will have to click Ready for each QR code you wish to scan; this is to prevent the same QR code from accidentally being scanned multiple times.
To create a fake dataset for use with the radar chart, type ⌘N and enter the desired values, then click Save.
To view graphs, type ⌘⇧G and enter team numbers separated by commas, e.g. 254, 1678, 1323
and press enter.
This code is distributed under the GNU GPLv3. A copy of this license is included in the repository.
This code is largely undocumented and uses some weird tricks to avoid lengthy code, so parts of it may be hard to understand. I intend to document it at some point, but until that time, feel free to send me a message on Discord at @dropbear#2341
if you'd like me to explain my spaghetti.