Version 1.6
Features and enhancements:
Added support for SQLite via sqlite-jdbc:
The jar now contains a ready to use SQLite version of BiGGDB, so no locally running PostgreSQL BiGGDB is required to use the annotation functionality of ModelPolisher. To run ModelPolisher with the in-jar DB, use the "annotate-with-bigg=true" option and omit the additional arguments you would provide when connecting to PostgreSQL. This should in general be faster than annotation with the PSQL version. -
We now use the MIRIAM registry-lib to check all resources against the regexes and provide simple correction mechanisms for KEGG collections, EC-codes, NCBIGI and GO IDs. If a resource does not match and cannot be corrected, it will not be added to model and will be logged instead.
COBRAparser is now able to parse multimodel mat files. Each model after the initial one will get an incrementing integer as suffix. Matlab fields are now matched in a case insensitive way, if no exact match can be obtained or are assigned, if the field name is a substring of a variant.
Basic unit definitions will now be added to models when missing.
Added a method to check for wrong html tags in a SBML model and replace them.
Added a few null checks to COBRAparser and improved its ability to recognize resource IDs (mainly PUBMED and DOI).
Fixed a bug in COBRAparser cutting of the last character of a Miriam ID
Added a check to assure output files for batch process always have the correct filetype ending.
Made the SQL-Query that retrieves resources from BiGGDB a bit more specific. This should prevent annotating reaction-specific resources to metabolites and vice versa.
Refactoring removed some redundant assignments. This may result in a slight speedup when running ModelPolisher on a folder of models.
If you use, a copy of the call to with your provided arguments is now saved in, overwriting the default template - a simple backup of your previous call can be found in ModelPolisherTemplate.bckp.