This is a web site that allows a user to generate a random password based on user input.
- The user interface adapts to multiple screen sizes
- The user is promted to select from multiple character types and enter a value between 8 and 128
- The user input is validated and an error is displayed if validation fails
- A password is generated based on the user input
- The password is written to an html textarea element
- alert(), prompt(), and confirm() window methods are used for user interaction
- document.querySelectors are used
- an eventListener is added for the button and the main function is called when the event occurs
- preventDefault() is used on the event so the page doesn't refresh
- an object is used just for fun
- the "this" keyword is used to reference properties from within the object
- RegEx is used to check match on positive integers on for password length entered by user
- for loop , Math methods and array indexing are used to create password
- FlexBox and media query are used for responsive layout