Declarative System, Package & Home Configurations - WIP Always
- Nix Flakes - 100% Nix Flakes-based configuration, no Nix channels.
- User Home Environments - Reproducible user home environments using HomeManager.
- NixOS and Darwin Hosts - Resproducible configurations for NixOS & Darwin hosts.
- Bitwarden Managed Secrets - Secrets managed with Bitwarden Secret Managemer.
- CVS Scanning - Automatic CVS vulnerability scanning using Vulnix.
- Continuous Integration - Backed by continuous integration workflows on GitHub Actions runners.
- Base16 Themes - Base16 theming throughout system and package configurations.
- Nix Overlays - Custom Nix overlays for packages, extra utils and tools.
- Ad-hoc Shell Environments - Reproducible ad-hoc shell environments for common tools and tasks.
- Flake Templates - Flake templates included for bootstrapping workspaces.
Host and home configurations within this workspace contain secrets values that
are managed using Bitwarden Secrets and a combination of the sync-secrets
derivation and secrets
systemd service.
This workspace follows the following structure:
├── home # User HomeManager configurations
├── hosts # Host NixOS and NixDarwin configurations
├── modules # Nix modules
├── pkgs # Packages
├── shells # Ad-hoc shells enviroments
├── templates # Flake templates
├── flake.nix # Flake inputs and outputs
├── lib.nix # Nix utils
├── overlays.nix # Package overlays
└── shell.nix # Workspace development shell