A Project with Rasperry Pi 4 in order to take pictures in a particular intervall. This pictures are being used to montior the birth process of cows or the infrastrucutre for hay harvesting.
Dominique Müller [email protected]
To use the Client, please add a file named Credentials.json to the security package and insert your login data in the following format:
{ "user": "<>", "password": "<>" }
Furthermore, go to the file Authenticator.py and substitute the URL constant with the URL of your Webpage's REST-API.
This Client is developed for the usage with a WordPress Website. Please register a Post Type named "kamerabild" to store and display the data. Other CMS might be used together with this software, in case they are providing a REST-API.
- Prof. Dr. Patrizio Collovà
For providing Guidance during the Project.
- Nelly Müller
- Peter Müller
For proving knowledge and improving the results of image capturing with empirical work.
- cubetech GmbH (www.cubetech.ch) and especially the CEO and Founder Christoph Ackermann
For providing the relevant server infrastructure.