MusicPlayerPlus Version 1.0.0 Release 1
Install the package on Debian based systems by executing the command
sudo apt install ./MusicPlayerPlus_1.0.0-1.amd64.deb
Install the package on RPM based systems by executing the command
sudo yum localinstall ./MusicPlayerPlus-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
Edit /etc/mpd.conf
and set the music_directory
Execute the mpcinit
Execute the mpcplus
command and type u
to initiate a database update.
See the MusicPlayerPlus README for additional configuration info.
Removal of the package on Debian based systems can be accomplished by issuing the command:
sudo apt remove musicplayerplus
Removal of the package on RPM based systems can be accomplished by issuing the command:
sudo yum remove MusicPlayerPlus