Moved dev-only dependencies from requirements.txt to requirements-dev.txt
.py and ospx/fmi/__init__
.py : ensured that imported symbols get also exported
(added "as" clause -> "from x import y as y" instead of only "from x import y")
Configured code quality tools flake8, black, isort, pyright
Improved code quality, resolving all warnings and errors flagged by the configured code quality tools
(flake8, black, isort, pyright, sourcery)
Added GitHub workflow 'main.yml' for continuous integration (runs all CI tasks except Sphinx)
format checks: black, isort
lint check: flake8, flake8-bugbear
type check: pyright
test: uses tox to run pytest on {Windows, Linux, MacOS} with {py39, py310}
publish: publishing to PyPI (runs only on push of new tag vx.x.x, and after all other jobs succeeded)
merge_to_release_branch: merge tagged commit to release branch (runs after publish)
You can’t perform that action at this time.