Author: Du Nguyen
This project contains supporting codes for an older version of the paper Lagrange Multipliers and Rayleigh Quotient Iteration in Constrained Type Equations.
To run clone the project as a subfolder of some folder folder (say ). You will see a folder /lagrange_rayleigh. Add to your PYTHONPATH and then run the codes in /lagrange_rayleigh/test/ Python 3 but should be mostly compatible with python 2.7 Require numpy and scipy
We show an example where the method here provide an improvement to the eigen-tensor problem by 30% for the real case. We also show it leads to an algorithm to compute all complex eigenpairs (counted by Cartwright-Sturmfels formula):
The matlab code for the eigentensor algorithm can be found in the matlab folder. The other notebooks demonstrating this algorithm can be found here - to run online on Google colab you can click on the link: Eigentensor
Two Left Inverses: show that we can use one left inverse for lambda and another for projection. [![Open In Colab]( (