Do you like the technical articles that filter through Hacker News (
Are you really tired of schmaltz and chaff like this?
- "This is a web page. It's made up of words." ... "OMG IT'S SO TRUE"
- "Why I'm Leaving Elon Musk"
- "How do I find a technical co-founder?"
- Stick your most-hated buzzphrases in filter.txt.
- => Profiles => Advanced => [x] Set locale environment variables on startup
- Run in a terminal session.
- Or run and visit http://localhost:31337/
You also get my list of irritating buzzwords as a default filter set. It slices, it dices, it kills monsters!
[Cmd]+Double-Click URLs in Mac OS X to open them.
- Python 2.7 or Python 3.4
- Python modules: BeautifulSoup and Requests
There are other Hacker News filters ( but they don't accommodate the level of grumpiness I have achieved (70+ entries in the default killfile).
v0.4 - 08-Nov-2014
- Add Python 3.x compatibility (tested with 3.4) (if you're on OS X, be sure to enable "Set locale environment variables on startup" in
- HN is now all SSL, all the time, so enable SSL verification
v0.3 - 07-Sep-2013
- Bring back console version. Web version optional.
- Allow comments in killfile.
- Killfile updated with latest curmudgeonry.
- Clean up filenames.
v0.2 - 15-Aug-2013
- Use to provide a web interface. Contributed by [email protected] (thank you)
v0.1 - 14-Aug-2013
- Initial release.
Have a nice day.