Allows for the creation and management of IIIF Manifests and Collections.
There is a docker-compose file for running resources required for local development.
# create .env file (1 time only)
cp .env.dist .env
# run via docker-compose
docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up
migrations can be applied by setting the app setting "RunMigrations": true
in the API and then inital data can be seeded from the create_root script in the scripts folder.
Migrations can be added with the command
dotnet ef migrations add "<migration name>" -p Repository -s API
if you would like to view the SQL the migration will produce, you can use the following command:
dotnet ef migrations script -i -o .\migrate.sql -p Repository -s API
As part of handling assets in canvas paintings, items are ingested via the DLCS. In order to track items that have been ingested, a new global named query needs to be added to the DLCS to track batches. This can be done in 2 ways, as follows:
- POST to the named query endpoint:
NOTE: This is required to be done as the admin customer using the DLCS API
POST {{baseUrl}}/customers/1/namedQueries
"name": "batch-query",
"template": "batch=p1",
"global": true
- Directly into the DLCS database
INSERT INTO "NamedQueries" ("Id", "Customer", "Name", "Global", "Template")
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(), 1, 'batch-query', true, 'batch=p1')
NOTE: the presentation API assumes the name of this named query is batch-query
by default, so if this is changed the presentation will need an updated setting to track.