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Dual gRNA CRISPRko screens in uveal melanoma


CRISPRko screens using a bespoke paired gRNA library were performed in 10 human uveal melanoma cell lines.

This project aims to address the following questions:

  1. What gene pairs are essential for cell viability in uveal melanoma and are potential therapeutic targets?
  2. Are the gene essentialities observed in uveal melanoma unique or shared with cutaneous melanoma?

Experimental design

10 uveal melanoma cell lines were engineered to express Cas9 and had at least 85% Cas9 activity. CRISPRko screens were performed by using a bespoke paired gRNA library.

Cell lines were transduced in technical triplicate at a MOI of 0.3, puromycin selected for ~30% transduction efficiency and maintained at a representation of 1000x library coverage. Endpoints shown in table below consisting of D28 after transduction +/- timepoint after approximately 20 cell doublings. Cells were then pelleted, genomic DNA extracted, followed by gRNA PCR amplification and sequencing. Batch B CRISPR screens were performed by the CGaP core facility.

Cell line Batch First endpoint Second endpoint
Mel202 control A D8 None (non-Cas9 control)
Mel202-Cas9 A D28 None (20 cell doublings by D28)
Mel270-Cas9 A D28 D35
Mel285-Cas9 A D28 D49
MP46-Cas9 A D28 D64
OMM2.5-Cas9 A D28 D42
OMM2.3 control B D8 None (non-Cas9 control)
OMM2.3-Cas9 B D28 D35
OMM1-Cas9 B D28 D35
92.1-Cas9 B D28 D42
MP38-Cas9 B D28 D65
MP41-Cas9 B D28 D32

Analysis steps


Analysis pipeline is adapted from a pipeline written by Victoria Offord for the Adams Group at the Sanger Institue Team 113 Github, available here.


For almost all steps, the REPO_PATH variable will need to be set. This will depend on where you have cloned the repository.

export REPO_PATH='/your/repository/path'

Generating guide abundances (counts)

Preparing the library

Convert original library into pyCROQUET format:

awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN{
        print "##library-type: dual"; 
        print "##library-name: dgCRISPR_paralogs"; 
        print "#id\tsgrna_ids\tsgrna_seqs\tgene_pair_id\tsgrna_symbols\tsgrna_libraries\tcustom_annotation";
    } NR > 1 && $6 != "Jen Uveal" && $13 != "Jen Uveal" {
        gsub("_", "|", $15)
        print id, sgrna_ids, sgrna_seqs, gene_pair_id, sgrna_symbols, sgrna_libraries, sgrna_sources;
    }' ${REPO_PATH}/METADATA/libraries/paired_lib_original.tsv > ${REPO_PATH}/METADATA/libraries/paired_lib_original.pyCROQUET.tsv

Quantification per CRAM

Run pyCROQUET across all CRAM files in DATA/CRAM. Remembering to set the REPO_PATH and update the jobscript header to match the number of expected CRAM files and the top level directory for the logs.


This runs an LSF job array where each CRAM gets quantified independently. Logs for these can be found in LOGS/pyCROQUET.

To clean up afterwards:

cat ${REPO_PATH}/LOGS/pyCROQUET/pycroquet.[0-9]*.e > ${REPO_PATH}/LOGS/pyCROQUET/pycroquet.e
cat ${REPO_PATH}/LOGS/pyCROQUET/pycroquet.[0-9]*.o > ${REPO_PATH}/LOGS/pyCROQUET/pycroquet.o
find ${REPO_PATH}/LOGS/pyCROQUET -name 'pycroquet.[0-9]*.e' -delete
find ${REPO_PATH}/LOGS/pyCROQUET -name 'pycroquet.[0-9]*.o' -delete


There are several pre-processing steps which are covered by SCRIPTS/preprocessing/ Each step utilises a script found in SCRIPTS/preprocessing/subscripts whose outputs and general descriptions are:

Step Description Script Inputs Outputs
0 Prepare libraries for downstream analyses 0_prepare_libraries.R Sample metadata:
pyCROQUET library:
Expanded library annotations:
Dual guide matrix:
1 Convert per-lane pyCROQUET counts into a sample count matrix with annotations 1_merge_counts_by_sample.R Sample metadata:
Expanded library:
Count matrix:
2 Remove user-defined guides by id 2_remove_user_defined_guides.R Count matrix:
Guides to remove:
Count matrix with user-defined guides removed:
3 Normalise counts using BAGEL method 3_bagel_normalisation.R Count matrix with user-defined guides removed:
Normalised count matrix:
4 Filter out guides which have low counts (< 30) in controls 4_filter_low_count_guides.R Normalised count matrix:
Sample metadata:
Filtered count matrix:
Filtered guides:
5 Generate LFC matrix from counts 5_convert_counts_to_lfcs.R Filtered count matrix:
Unscaled LFC matrix (all samples):
6 Remove samples failing QC by sample name 6_remove_samples.R Unscaled LFC matrix (all samples):
Unscaled LFC matrix (samples removed):
7 Generate scaled LFC matrix 7_scale_lfcs.R Unscaled LFC matrix:
Sample metadata:
Scaled LFC matrix (all samples):
8 Convert scaled LFC matrix into scaled count matrix 8_convert_scaled_lfcs_to_scaled_counts.R Scaled LFC matrix:
Scaled count matrix:

All steps can be run using SCRIPTS/preprocessing/ with logs written to LOGS/preprocessing, output to DATA/preprocessing and DATA/RDS/preprocessing.

bash ${REPO_PATH}/SCRIPTS/preprocessing/

Single guide analysis

Single guide analyses use C-SAR version 1.3.6 which converts a count matrix to an LFC matrix, runs MAGeCK and BAGEL2 and summarises the results.

The single guide analysis is run using:


And when complete, the unrequired intermediate files can be removed with:

rm -r DATA/single_guide/*/*/*/work
rm -r DATA/single_guide/*/*/*/.nextflow

There are 3 datasets:

  • A - gene|safe_control and safe_control|safe_control
  • B - safe_control|gene and safe_control|safe_control
  • combined - gene|safe_control, safe_control|gene and safe_control|safe_control

Each dataset has been run for all three stages:

  • unscaled
  • scaled
  • scaled_pos_zero

There are several pre-processing steps which are covered by SCRIPTS/single_guide/ Each step utilises a script found in SCRIPTS/single_guide whose outputs and general descriptions are:

Step Description Script Inputs Outputs
0 Prepare single libraries for singles analyses 0_prepare_single_guide_libraries.R User-defined guides to remove:
Expanded library:
Single library annotations with user-defined guides removed (per stage):
1 Prepare input files and directories for C-SAR 1_prepare_files_and_directories_for_analysis.R Single guide library with user-defined guides removed:
Sample metadata:
Count matrix:
Log path:
Cell lines to exclude:
"A-375 1000x,A-375 500x"
Output directory:
List of bsub commands:
Filtered singles library (only guides in counts):
Sample counts per cell line (per dataset/stage):
DATA/single_guide/[dataset]/[stage]/[cell line]/sample_counts.tsv
Sample manifest per cell line (per dataset/stage)
DATA/single_guide/[dataset]/[stage]/[cell line]/sample_manifest.tsv
C-SAR results per cell line (per dataset/stage)
DATA/single_guide/[dataset]/[stage]/[cell line]/results
Nextflow log per cell line (per dataset/stage)
DATA/single_guide/[dataset]/[stage]/[cell line]/.nextflow.log

The directory structure for C-SAR is as follows:

        -> single_guide
            -> [dataset]
                -> [stage]
                    -> [cell_line]
                        -> results
                            -> BAGEL2
                            -> MAGeCK
                            -> ...

To clean up all logs and results for a fresh analysis run:

rm -r LOGS/single_guide/C-SAR/*/*/*.o
rm -r LOGS/single_guide/C-SAR/*/*/*.e
rm -r DATA/single_guide/*/*/*/results
rm -r DATA/single_guide/*/*/*/work
rm -r DATA/single_guide/*/*/*/.nextflow
rm -r DATA/single_guide/*/*/*/.nextflow.log

Dual guide analyses

Bassik analysis requires an LFC matrix and a dual guide matrix (mapping of dual guide to its corresponding single guides) which are generated during the pre-processing steps.

We generated three LFC matrices:

  • Unscaled - raw LFCs
  • Scaled - LFCs scaled so that the median of the safe guides are 0 and the median of the essential guides are -1
  • Scaled (pos zero) - positive scaled LFCs are set to 0 (i.e. no LFCs will be > 0)

Generating predicted vs observed LFC matrix

Generation of the observed (dual) and predicted (sum of singles) LFCs is run as an LSF job array due to the time it takes to run as a single job.

To run job arrays to get pred vs obs for each dataset:

STAGE=('unscaled' 'scaled' 'scaled_pos_zero')
for stage in "${STAGE[@]}"
    bsub < ${REPO_PATH}/SCRIPTS/dual_guide/get_pred_vs_obs.jobarray.${stage}.sh

The LSF jobarray generates many results files, one per chunk, which need to be brought back together into a single matrix.

To merge job array results into single logs and matrices per dataset:

STAGE=('unscaled' 'scaled' 'scaled_pos_zero')
for stage in "${STAGE[@]}"
    bsub < ${REPO_PATH}/SCRIPTS/dual_guide/merge_pred_vs_obs.jobscript.${stage}.sh

Bassik analysis

This script will run the Bassik analysis across all cell lines for all three stages ('unscaled', 'scaled' and 'scaled_pos_zero') by dynamically defining the inputs for SCRIPTS/dual_guide/pipeline/run_bassik_analysis.R.

bash ${REPO_PATH}/SCRIPTS/dual_guide/

Log files can be found in LOGS/dual_guide/[stage].

TSV files can be found in DATA/dual_guide/[stage] and include:

  • DATA/dual_guide/[stage]/pred_vs_obs_with_ngis.tsv - predicted vs observed values with residuals and normalised GI per guide for all cell lines
  • DATA/dual_guide/[stage]/gene_sample_t_scores.tsv - gene-level t-statistics for all cell lines
  • DATA/dual_guide/[stage]/sgrna_sample_t_scores.tsv - guide-level t-statistics for all cell lines

Combining datasets / results

There are several post-processing steps which are covered by SCRIPTS/postprocessing/ Each step utilises a script found in SCRIPTS/postprocessing/subscripts whose outputs and general descriptions are:

Step Description Script Output
0 Combine results of single guide essentiality analyses 0_combine_single_guide_results.R Full results: DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/combined_singles_results.binary.[stage].tsv
Binary results: DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/combined_singles_results.[stage].tsv
1 Download and filter DepMap relative copy number 1_download_depmap_relative_copy_number.R DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/depmap_relative_copy_number.tsv
2 Download and filter cell model passport total copy number 2_download_cmp_total_copy_number.R DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/cmp_total_copy_number.tsv
3 Download and filter DepMap expression (log2(TPM + 1)) 3_download_depmap_expression.R DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/depmap_expression.tsv
4 Download and filter DepMap (pre- and post-chronos) and Hart (BAGEL) common essentials and non-essentials 4_download_common_essentials.R DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/depmap_and_bagel_common_genes.tsv
5 Download and filter DepMap depletion probabilities 5_download_depmap_depletion_probabilities.R DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/depmap_depletion_probability.tsv
6 Download and filter Cell Model Passport cancer driver mutations per cell line 6_download_ccle_mutations.R DATA/postprocessing/intermediate_tables/cmp_cancer_driver_mutations.tsv
7 Combine intermediate datasets into narrow matrix (1 row = 1 gene pair per cell line) 7_combine_intermediate_datasets.R DATA/postprocessing/combined_gene_level_results.[stage].tsv
8 Build binary (pass/fail) matrix with data summarised by cancer type (1 row = gene pair) 8_build_binary_results_matrix.R DATA/postprocessing/combined_gene_level_results.binary.[stage].tsv

Steps 7 and 8 are run for all three stages:

  • unscaled
  • scaled
  • scaled_pos_zero

The combined results matrices (``) are the comprehensive results where each row represents a gene pair in a cell line.

The binary combined results matrices (``) have the following hard filters applied and are where each row represents a single gene pair and columns are summaries.

Bassik (dual guide):

  • is_bassik_hit - mean_norm_gi < -0.5 and fdr < 0.01
  • n_sig_guide_pairs - number of guide pairs for a gene_pair which have a Bassik guide fdr < 0.05
  • pct_sig_guide_pairs - proportion of all guide pairs for a gene pair which are significant (fdr < 0.05)

Singles analyses (MAGeCK and BAGEL):

  • target[AB]__is_depleted_mageck - a gene is considered depleted in the singles analysis by MAGeCK when neg.fdr < 0.05
  • target[AB]__is_depleted_bagel - a gene is considered depleted in the singles analysis by BAGEL when BF <= per cell line threshold (i.e. singles analysis binary is_depleted = 1)
  • targetA__is_single_depleted - a gene is considered to be depleted in the singles analyses where it was found depleted in both MAGeCK (target[AB]__is_depleted_mageck = 1) and BAGEL (target[AB]__is_depleted_bagel = 1)

DepMap expression:

  • target[AB]__is_expressed - a gene is considered to be expressed when TPM in DepMap log2(TPM + 1) > 1 (i.e. log2(1 + 1) > 1)
  • target[AB]__is_expressed - a gene is considered to be expressed when TPM in DepMap log2(TPM + 1) > 1 (i.e. log2(1 + 1) > 1)

DepMap dependent:

  • target[AB]__is_depmap_dependent - a gene is considered DepMap dependent when depmap_depletion_probability > 0.5


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