This repository holds the Android app for 'Project Cresecendo' (a 2nd year CSC1022 Team Project, made by Team 13 at Newcastle University).
The app is called Sonata, and is intended to teach a new skill; namely the skill of writing Sheet Music using a grid-based music programming approach.
This app was developed by:
- Dylan McKee
- Ambrose Suen
- Jordan Dixon
- Craig Hirst
- Alex Dimitrov
It makes use of the following libraries:
- SeeScore SDK and the SeeScore Example App
- Android SQLiteAssetHelper
- Android Asynchronous Http Client (LoopJ)
- FloatingActionButton
Along with numerous tutorials and examples; which are credited with a source URL in the code comments.
- Java code has been written to follow the Google Java Style.
- Java code has been documented with comments using the Javadoc tool, and the Oracle Javadoc Style Guide has been followed for all Javadoc comments.
- XML has been written to follow the Google XML Document Format Style Guide
- JSON markup has been written to follow the Google JSON Style Guide
- Android Studio 2.0
- Android SDK API Level 23
- An Android phone running Android 5.0 onward (we've tested the app thoroughly on an HTC One M7 running Android 5.0.2, so we recommend that specific device and OS version).
- Internet connection to download Gradle dependencies