A PHP Library for storing a validating an ISIN (International Securities Identification Number / ISO 6166). ISINs will be checked against the checksum as detailed at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Securities_Identification_Number]
The library can be installed via composer
composer require djmarland/isin
You can instantiate an ISIN object by passing in a string
use Djmarland\ISIN;
$number = 'GB00B3W23161';
$isin = new ISIN($number);
If the value passed in was not a valid ISIN it will throw a Djmarland\ISIN\Exception\InvalidISINException
To get the value back out you can do
$value = $isin->getValue();
// GB00B3W23161
If you want to get hold of just the check digit you can use
$digit = $isin->getCheckDigit();
// 1
The object has a __toString
so usage in views/routes etc will work:
echo 'The ISIN is ' . $isin;
// The ISIN is GB00B3W23161
There are some helper static functions for simple validation.
$valid = ISIN::isValid('GB00B3W23161');
// true
This will return true if the value was a valid ISIN, false otherwise.
$number = ISIN::validate('gb00b3w23161');
// GB00B3W23161
$number = ISIN::validate('ABC');
// InvalidISINException
This will return the properly formatted ISIN (whitespace trimmed and converted to uppercase).
It will throw a Djmarland\ISIN\Exception\InvalidISINException
if the input was not valid.
This project is open source. Feedback and pull requests are welcome. To develop the code:
Checkout the project. Run
composer install
Code Sniffer
Both must be run successfully before code can be submitted. Code coverage must also be 100%.