- Counting Duplicates
- using
to create new array of only repeated characters and return length? - object with the character as the key & value is just it's repeat count. increment result only if value === 1
- using
- Common Denominators
- using higher order functions as detailed in the attempted code's comments
- Product of array except self
- try to come up with more time-efficient algorithm that passes all test cases
- Decode the morse code (1/3)
- rewrite to be more readable?
- Product of consecutive Fib numbers
- rewrite to be more efficient? ideas in comments
- Sum of Intervals. Improve time complexity. Times out for large random tests
- Human readable duration format
- Common Denominators
- prob cause I used only 4 factors?
- Valid Sudoku
- stopped cause I spent > 25 minutes
- Are they the "same"?
- some test cases fail.
- Primes in numbers
- reduce time complexity