Want me to build you something in git? open an issue or direct message me on slack. π
1) Read the history starting from the oldest commit of a project?
- requested by Dimmitt
2) Rebase to cleanup a pr but only changes in my branch
- requested by Boyd, https://github.com/ohboyd
Hopefully people think this is simpler. If not and have a better idea please open an issue and let me know a different way to implement these commands.
## download the willi wanka commands to home folder
## download the commands folder to the home directory.
cd $HOME && rm -rf willywankacommands;
svn checkout https://github.com/MichaelDimmitt/the_willywanka_gitfactory/trunk/willywankacommands;
cd -;
## if willywanka alias's exist remove the willywanka alias's
grep -vwE "(willywonkacommands)" ~/.bashrc > ~/.bashrc
## add alias's that source the functions.
{ cat <<\EOF
alias initialCommit=$(source -f ~/willywonkacommands/firstCommitOnwards.sh reverseCheckout)
alias checkoutParentCommit=$(source -f ~/willywonkacommands/firstCommitOnwards.sh parentCommit)
alias rebaseCurrentBranch=$(source -f ~/willywonkacommands/rebaseCurrentBranch.sh rebaseOnlyChangesInMyBranch)
EOF } >> ~/.bashrc
list commits in reverse.
checkout to a specific commit based on a number.
## In the future this commit could store the HEAD commit
## And check to ensure we are in the correct project/branch-location
## If the criteria is not met it will
## echo: nothing done use reverseCheckout
## echo: and then parentCommit should start working.
## Initialize these globals to empty.
reverseCheckout() {
## If no commit number is submitted default to 1.
## If no compareBranch is passed, default to master.
git checkout $targetBranch;
headCommitBeforeOperations=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "well looks like we have $headCommitBeforeOperations"
git rev-list --reverse HEAD |
sed -n ${commitNum}p |
xargs -I {} git checkout {};
## Then you can check out to the next parent easy!
parentCommit() {
git checkout $targetBranch
if [ "$headCommitBeforeOperations" == $(git rev-parse HEAD) ]; then
echo tellMeYourParentsName
echo 'dont trust strangers!'
echo 'let me explain: for this command - parentCommit'
echo 'we are not in the correct project/branch-location'
echo 'reinstantiate the location with command:'
echo 'reverseCheckout <targetBranch> <commit num to checkout>'
} ## note if you want to check out to the child its simply git checkout HEAD~
tellMeYourParentsName() {
headCommitBeforeOperations=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
git checkout $targetBranch;
git rev-list --reverse HEAD |
sed -n ${commitNum}p |
xargs -I {} git checkout {};
## example: reverseCheckout 1 master
use cherry
to find out how your commits are different from the branch
the first line will be the oldest commit that is different
use cut and awk to just give the sha of that oldes commit.
rebase to the sha of the oldest command but put tilde on the end of it to get the commit before that!
also that xargs thing just lets me put the piped output wherever I want to put it.
let me know if these directions/this description is unclear. π
rebaseOnlyChangesInMyBranch() {
## If no compareBranch is passed, default to master
currentBranch=$(git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2)
sha=$(git cherry -v $1 |
sed -n 1p |
cut -c 2- |
awk '{print $1;}')
if ! [ -z "$sha" ]; then
passValidResultToRebase $compareBranch $currentBranch
echo "The command did nothing, you need to pass a compare branch as an argument."
echo "try these commands in your terminal as an example:"
echo "rebaseOnlyChangesInMyBranch dev;"
echo "rebaseOnlyChangesInMyBranch master;"
passValidResultToRebase() {
echo ;
echo 'Think of this command as the rebase before the rebase!';
echo "Current branch: $currentBranch";
echo "Branch being compared: $compareBranch";
echo ;
echo "Paste the below command to rebase/(prep) commits for your current branch: $currentBranch";
echo "without worrying about new commits developers added to $compareBranch branch in the interim.";
echo "git rebase -i $sha~";
## example: rebaseOnlyChangesInMyBranch master