The script is designed for preprocessing PascaLIGO code project to C++ like code, in order to Doxygen recognize in it variables, functions, classes. Developed and testing under Debian 11 / PHP 7.4.
First time, you must install Linux and PHP7 :) Then, clone repo and use ligo2dox.php
as binary, or you can call it by php ligo2dox.php
ligo2dox.php FILENAME|-, where
FILENAME - path to *.ligo file for patching, '-' - use stdin
Output always to stdout
For example:
ligo2dox.php contract.ligo
In a nutshell:
- First time from PascaLIGO code extracted comments and preprocessor instructions and saved in memory of script.
- Then PascaLIGO style code transcoding to something as C++ like code, in order to Doxygen recognize in it variables, functions, classes.
- Then early extracted comments and preprocessor instructions return to code, and this result put to Doxygen.
During all these recodings, the script tries as much as possible to preserve the position of entities and comments in lines, because Doxigen is attached to lines of code.
Files with function main in it represented as class. For example, file Contract.ligo with function main in documentation will be class Contract.
Files with parent folder same as ligo file represented as class. For example, file Contract/storage.ligo AND if exists Contract.ligo represented as part of class Contract.
Of course, the script, when analyzed, relies on the syntactically correct PascaLIGO code. That is why, as you can see by algorithm above, some constructions of preprocessor instructions will fails. For example:
function someWhenEnabled(const x: nat; const y: nat): nat {
function someWhenDisabled(const x: nat): nat {
This construction will fail, because after remove preprocessor lines for patch code this block will be:
function someWhenEnabled(const x: nat; const y: nat): nat {
function someWhenDisabled(const x: nat): nat {
And this block of code will become invalid.
You must install Doxygen and PHP7 for execute scripts in examples.
Demo PascaLIGO project with auto-documenting, with Doxygen-style comments only in English.
Use doc/ for generate HTML by Doxygen
Demo PascaLIGO project with auto-documenting, with Doxygen-style comments in two languages: English and Russian.
For this project used multi-language comments script from submodule repository, that is why before use it you must update submodules by command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Use doc/ for generate HTML by Doxygen
Example of auto-documenting one of complex PascaLIGO project from Quipuswap repository quipuswap-stable-core.
For this project used multi-language comments script from submodule repository, that is why before use it you must update submodules by command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Use doc/ for generate HTML by Doxygen