QFieldCloud is a Django based service designed to synchronize projects and data between QGIS (+ QFieldSync plugin) and QField.
QFieldCloud allows seamless synchronization of your field data with your spatial infrastructure with change tracking, team management and online-offline work capabilities in QField.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/digital-botanical-gardens-initiative/QFieldCloud.git
If repository already exists:
cd /to/existing/repository/QFieldCloud
git pull
Check that upstream repository is https://github.com/opengisch/QFieldCloud.git
git remote -v
If this is not the case:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/opengisch/QFieldCloud.git
Fetch changes from opengisch:
git fetch upstream
Make sure to use the correct .env file
To build images and run the containers:
docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans
Run the django database migrations.
docker compose exec app python manage.py migrate
Collect the static files (CSS, JS etc):
docker compose run app python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
You should see the instance pointing on https://emi-collection.unifr.ch/qfieldcloud/.
You can stop unused containers such as rnwood/smtp4dev:v3 and certbot (docker stop )