Rackspace Cloud Big Data API Documentation
This github repository contains the source files for the Rackspace Cloud Big Data API documentation.
Contributions are welcome! To suggest changes to the documentation, please submit an Issue (https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-cloud-big-data/issues) or a Pull Request (https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-cloud-big-data/pulls).
Source files are for the following documents:
o Cloud Big Data Getting Started Guide
o Cloud Big Data Developer Guide
o Cloud Big Data Release Notes
You should create your own fork/branch to make changes to the files and then send a pull request to have your changes reviewed and merged into the master branch as appropriate.
You can use any editor to work with the files. The files that are most likely to be of interest are:
o src/docbkx/cbd-getting-started.xml
o src/docbkx/cbd-devguide.xml
o src/docbkx/cbd-releasenotes.xml
o src/wadl/cbd-devguide.wadl
You might also be interested in making changes to the example files referenced in the WADL file. They are here:
o src/wadl/samples
Also, the status codes referenced by the WADL file are here:
o src/common/common.ent