provides basic modules to interact with canisters on the DFINITY Internet Computer. Its still under active development.
pip3 install ic-py
- candid types encode & decode
- support secp256k1 & ed25519 identity, pem file import
- canister DID file parsing
- canister class, initialized with canister id and DID file
- common canister interfaces: ledger, management, nns, cycles wallet
- async support
Create an instance:
from ic.principal import Principal
p = Principal() # default is management canister id `aaaaa-aa`
p1 = Principal(bytes=b'') # create an instance from bytes
p2 = Principal.anonymous() # create anonymous principal
p3 = Principal.self_authenticating(pubkey) # create a principal from public key
p4 = Principal.from_str('aaaaa-aa') # create an instance from string
p5 = Principal.from_hex('xxx') # create an instance from hex
Class methods:
p.bytes # principal bytes
p.len # byte array length
p.to_str() # convert to string
Create an instance:
from ic.identity import Identity
i = Identity() # create an identity instance, key is randomly generated
i1 = Identity(privkey = "833fe62409237b9d62ec77587520911e9a759cec1d19755b7da901b96dca3d42") # create an instance from private key
Sign a message:
msg = b”ddaf35a193617abacc417349ae20413112e6fa4e89a97ea20a9eeee64b55d39a2192992a274fc1a836ba3c23a3feebbd454d4423643ce80e2a9ac94fa54ca49f“
sig = i.sign(msg) # sig = (der_encoded_pubkey, signature)
Create an instance:
from ic.client import Client
client = Client(url = "https://ic0.app")
Encode parameters:
from ic.candid import encode, decode, Types
# params is an array, return value is encoded bytes
params = [{'type': Types.Nat, 'value': 10}]
data = encode(params)
Decode parameters:
# data is bytes, return value is an parameter array
params = decode(data)
Create an instance:
from ic.client import Client
from ic.identity import Identity
from ic.agent import Agent
# Identity and Client are dependencies of Agent
iden = Identity()
client = Client()
agent = Agent(iden, client)
Query call:
# query the name of token canister `gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai`
name = agent.query_raw("gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai", "name", encode([]))
Update call:
# transfer 100 token to blackhole address `aaaaa-aa`
params = [
{'type': Types.Principal, 'value': 'aaaaa-aa'},
{'type': Types.Nat, 'value': 10000000000}
result = agent.update_raw("gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai", "transfer", encode(params))
Create a canister instance with candid interface file and canister id, and call canister method with canister instance:
from ic.canister import Canister
from ic.client import Client
from ic.identity import Identity
from ic.agent import Agent
from ic.candid import Types
iden = Identity()
client = Client()
agent = Agent(iden, client)
# read governance candid from file
governance_did = open("governance.did").read()
# create a governance canister instance
governance = Canister(agent=agent, canister_id="rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai", candid=governance_did)
# call canister method with instance
res = governance.list_proposals(
'include_reward_status': [],
'before_proposal': [],
'limit': 100,
'exclude_topic': [],
'include_status': [1]
ic-py also supports async requests:
import asyncio
from ic.canister import Canister
from ic.client import Client
from ic.identity import Identity
from ic.agent import Agent
from ic.candid import Types
iden = Identity()
client = Client()
agent = Agent(iden, client)
# read governance candid from file
governance_did = open("governance.did").read()
# create a governance canister instance
governance = Canister(agent=agent, canister_id="rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai", candid=governance_did)
# async call
async def async_test():
res = await governance.list_proposals_async(
'include_reward_status': [],
'before_proposal': [],
'limit': 100,
'exclude_topic': [],
'include_status': [1]