Fluid PHP Framework 0.3.4
Fluid PHP Framework 0.3.4 release
This is a pre-release version, and no version of the 0.x.x branch is guaranteed to be either backwards- or forwards-compatible. Use at your own risk.
Changelog from 0.3.3:
- Response->sendResponse() now exits and keeps track of whether it's already output the response. This is to prevent it being called double. As soon as sendResponse() has been called, the application stops.
- Response no longer has a __destruct method. If you die/exit, it dies/exits without attempting to output the buffer.
- Moved App logic from index.php into App::run(), which used to be boot() but now also does the routing. Later on, split this into multiple functions.
- App::executeRoute now looks for the view parameter on a route definition regardless of closure or not. This allows overruling the auto-generated template or simply using a specific template if the auto-generated template doesn't exist.
- Added Fluid.php cli interpreter & \Devvoh\Fluid\Cli class to handle the logic behind Fluid.php, see app/modules/App/Cli/Index.php for current implementation (subject to change).
- Added some more information to the index view file.
- Added composer.json (experimental)
- View templates' output now gets sent to the Response Component and appended to the response. Now onlyContent=true stops all echoes and other direct output from php files.
- App::createEntity() now returns an empty Entity object if the requested entity can't be found. This should prevent strange errors down the road (for example, due to App::createRepository() failing to call methods on the entity)
- Entity's id property is now public. It doesn't need to be protected and this prevents IDE mismatches when directly interacting with the property.
- Boot & autoloader now no longer work on heavily customized path logic. Now use a properly set BASEDIR constant.