A collection of NPM tools to aid in the development and QA of Javascript/Web applications.
- npm
- bower
- gulp
- grunt
- webpack
- browserify
- mocha
You can simply call:
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/app schodemeiss/npm-tools
By default this will run "npm install && gulp". IE: Install all packages inside the folders "packages.json" and then run the default gulp task if one exists.
You can call the tools by simply using:
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/app schodemeiss/npm-tools bower install
This will run "bower" with the "install" argument.
Any of the other tools can be called with their respective usages.
A Powershell function alias script can be found here: https://github.com/schodemeiss/docker-npm-tools/blob/master/npm-tools-aliases.ps1
This will allow you to run "npm" without having to run any docker specific commands.
Coming Soon!